The fact that Louis Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière hadn't been mugged yet was nothing short of a miracle. Sure he had a weapon on him, but he was only good enough with it to look like he knew what he was doing in the eyes of people who didn't know anything about a rapier. If he was wearing normal clothes, then it would make sense that no one would bother trying to rob him, but no; he had some fine looking silk on. With all this taken into account, it was baffling that he hadn't been jumped on his way to Maplestead. "I suppose my suspicions were correct; the fact that no one has come searching for me is proof that Wardes was just trying to get my out of the way. He probably thinks I'm dead already...heh, what a fool" Louis said to himself with a smirk "Hey kid, are you okay? It sounds like you ran away from home" A large looking man who had over heard him asked Louis' cheeks turned bright red "f-fool! How dare you eavesdrop on my privet conversation!" He shook his fist at the older man "Alright, alright. Geez" the man backed off, not wanting anything to do with the raging youth "Keh! Such impudence. Who does he think he is, listening in on a conversation he has no part in?" "You know, you should really stop talking out loud if you don't want someone else to hear you" another onlooker said. Louis' only response was a scream of indignation