[quote=@ViridianHue] I hope this takes off. Too many RWBY RPs start off great in the character making stages and then stop. >< So if it does start, then I'm in. ^^ [/quote] It's not going to -be- RWBY, but a world that draws heavy inspiration from it. That being said, despite it being different, you shouldn't have troubles noticing the similarities. [hider=Teaser #2] Chroma has three major countries, Vindrell, Tarcanis and Shindan Vindrell, known for its high amount of resonant deposits in its mountains, is a very mountainous land. Vindrell's thin passes make it extremely defensible but it trades off with making navigating through Vindrell difficult. The high, windswept peaks of Vindrell's mountains are home to many flighted animals such as dragons, griffons and great eagles. Vindrell soldiers are renowned for flying cavalry and beast tamers. They're a rugged people who deal with cold winters and strong winds. Most men of Vindrell are strong mountain climbers or resonant miners; they make up the majority of the Vindrell army and don't back down from a challenge. Vindrell women are home keepers, farmers and run most of the infrastructure in their society. Vindrell are master stonemasons, with their fortresses and cities built into the rock faces of their mountains. Their extremely defensible land makes them nearly impossible to attack, and as such, many refugees and immigrants travel northward to Vindrell. Most, if not all Vindrell people, are master navigators and rarely get lost. Tarcanis is an arid land, with a large landlocked sea in the center of it. Most Tarcan cities are found on the shores of the Tarcan Sea. The rest of the continent is mostly a sandy wasteland, with the poorest soils and the hottest temperatures of all the great countries. The constant resource struggle within Tarcanis has made for many wars. Since wars are fought under the blistering heat with little supplies, Tarcan warriors are highly celebrated and the successful ones are seen as heroes to the common folk. Tarcanis provides the best foot soldiers of every land, many people from across Chroma travel to Tarcanis to seek out their fighting ways. If one can survive the elements of Tarcanis and still have spirits in him/herself for more, you are believed to be a true warrior. Tarcan people are fair among each other, everybody is allowed to join their military force and seek the way of the warrior. Men and women of Tarcanis both share their duties at home and on the battlefield. Despite having very little for natural strongholds, Tarcanis is still a treacherous land to attack due to its high temperatures and seemingly endless deserts. The open lands allow for scouts to easily spot incoming waves or monsters. The last major power in Chroma is Shindan. While not a single land mass like Vindrell or Tarcanis, Shindan is a collection of hundreds of islands. Because of this, Shindani people are masterful sailors, and it has lead to the formation of Chroma's most powerful navy. Shindani people train in archery and ranged combat above all other weapons, since they need to fire from ships rather than charge formations. Shindan is a land of discipline and respect, even mortal enemies will meet before a battle and enjoy one last cup of wine. Shindan people never back down, their battles result in the utter destruction of one force or another, sometimes even both. Strategy is a Shindani general's greatest weapon, moving whole fleets to outmaneuver their enemies and knowing when to spring an ambush at the most precise moment. Shindan is far West and out of the way. They don't have many enemies save for the abundant population of pirates that plague their isles. The country is neutral, and since it doesn't border with any other super power in Chroma, it has led them to become technological giants. A Shindani shipwright can build a ship of twice the quality and in half the time. Men of this country are sailors and fishermen, while the women of Shindan form the majority of their military; their smaller forms and lesser weight allow for more crew aboard a single ship, though men are allowed to join the Shindan Navy. [/hider]