And that's two! We're on a roll here, baby! [hider=CS] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Taidana Wakahisa [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Taidana is kind of a loser. He is quite lazy, simply walking through life at a lackadaisical pace whenever possible. He is horrid at making decisions for himself, and is quite naive. His awkward charm is accentuated by his clumsiness when not focused, and his forgetfulness. He dislikes acknowledging his past mistakes, particularly those relating to romance. This is not because he is super narcissistic, but he does believe most if not all relationship issues aren't his fault. He is a tad selfish and thinks most often of himself before others. He is overall, quite childlike, and although he never tries to be mean, he does so accidentally sometimes. Tai has a variety of interests. He plays the bass guitar very frequently, and is even in a small local band. He's decent enough, having worked at it for a year or two. Something he's much more of a savant at is fighting. Despite minimal training, he has been labeled as "best fighter in school" by most of the people who know him. This is probably due to his propensity of getting in fights to try and defend women, whether they need it or not. His favorite musical genre is western rock, punk, and alternative, even if he can't understand the words. He plays retro games on and off. [b]Biography:[/b] Taidana was the middle child of two rich parents. Though they did spoil him often, as with their other two children, they wanted him to have a relatively normal life. They sent him to public school. There he occasionally got into fights, and accrued a small gaggle of friends. With these friends, he formed a band to gain popularity. He even got into a relationship that sadly ended in a rough break up. Soon after, he had to leave due his father accepting a business opportunity. Once at his new school, he again joined a band, forgetting all about his previous school and girlfriend. [b]Strength:[/b] He's a great fighter. [b]Weakness:[/b] He's kind of an idiot. [b]Demons:[/b] [b]Weapon:[/b] Due to the suddenness of the situation, all he has on him is his bass. If he were to get home to his brother's sword collection though... [b]Other:[/b] In case you couldn't tell, he's heavily based on Scott Pilgrim, the titular character of the graphic novel series, and movie. [/hider] Sorry if my bio is short, I wanna keep the details (particularly of the relationship) under wraps.