[quote=@PlatinumSkink] [@Draconfound] If you want to have a faster conversation, you could PM me short pieces and I'll reply as I see it and then you could post the full thing. I mean, we'd be able to have more answers and returns if we do it that way, but obviously that only works in private conversations and so. Posting your half IC and then I post the answers work as well, but it will definitely take longer. If you wish to control the conversation yourself you could probably control them yourself, but I would suppose that doesn't get the same response and feeling as actually talking with me would do. *is sitting on nails hoping nobody tries to recruit nameless individuals, because that'd be totally turn into way too many way too fast, since I'd have to give them all character and such. There's already been random naming of people who are supposed to be nameless... XD* [/quote] I might just choose the third option, but I'd still like you to make sure it is realistic. How likely do you think it would be that Habit could convince the archers that he is a castle servant and was sent to deliver a message to them that they were required to go help defend the throne room while the servant (Habit) evacuates the treasure?