[s]I plan on fixing this up, leaving work right now. I'll let you know if/when I change anything.[/s] I like it the way it is, but I'm open to criticism and change. [hider=Character Sheet] [i]"Wishes are for men who can't grasp what they desire."[/i] Name: Jacob Millford Age: 36 Gender: Male Servant: TBD Powers/Abilities: The Millford family bloodline has dedicated their efforts to the study and greater understanding of the element of Wind. Their Magic Crest is the most complex collection of understanding outside of the Mages Association, which the Millford family has deeply rooted connections with. With a wide range of spells engraved into it he possess the power to wield the element in both an offensive and defensive manner. Spells: [hider=Aero Strike]These spells are as robust as they are varied. With his family’s legacy behind him, he can all but command the wind with a variety of incantations and movements. With little effort he can command the wind around him into a protective vortex to deflect attack or into a deadly gale force to hammer those that would harm him. It is difficult to be precise when controlling the wind, so using these spells tends to leave collateral damage akin to a hurricane.[/hider] [hider=Invisible Air]By forming a boundary field made of wind he can conceal himself from being seen or heard. Due to the nature of how the wind needs to move as well as how compressed it is, all that could be heard are the gusts of wind that cover him, making it not a valid type of stealth. This requires an immense amount of concentration so it is impossible for him to use other spells at the same time.[/hider] [hider=Read the Wind]The ability to enter a state of nothingness through meditation, allowing the wind to flow through and into him in order to decipher the information the wind would bring to him, such as sounds and scents from great distances.[/hider] [hider=Protection from Wind]Wound into his Magic Crest are Runes designed to negate any magical effects involving Wind that would attempt to affect him. This is done not to protect the host of the Crest, but to protect the Crest itself from the experiments that the owner would conduct.[/hider] [hider=Runes of Wind (Algiz)]Currently when he inscribes the rune upon the surface it creates a gust of wind that ruins itself. Currently he has found only two usages for this by inscribing the rune on the bottom of his shoe. When he focuses his prana into his steps it allows him to move faster and jump greater distances. If he does not focus, the gust the imprint makes is strong enough to blow away the tracks he left behind, making it harder to find him should he flee a dangerous situation. This is his area of study that he focuses on to carry on the family's Crest.[/hider] Appearance: [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2010/224/2/e/Professor_by_FanOfAkatsuki.png]Apprance[/url] His families’ Magic Crest is inscribed upon his legs, starting at the ankle and stopping just below the knee. Personality: Despite his reputation of being a well learned humble sir, he possesses quite the wild side. Professionally he is curious and punctual with strong values, treating most with the respect that they might deny him. When the mood shifts and he gets laid back he turns into a feisty fearless man who knows full well that he is a cut above the rest. More often than not he will go out of his way for other people, if he thinks they deserve it. Above all he places learning above all else and has an insatiable curiosity. Short Biography: Born the first child of his parents, he was set up from birth to inherit his family's legacy and continue their efforts to expand their Magic Crest. For most of his life he never questioned his choices, believe that this was the life his parents worked so hard for him have. When he was old enough he was accepted into the Mages Association at the Clock Tower where he choose to study in Archaeology. When he entered the Association he was bright eyed and hopeful, but after four short years he understood all too well that most Magus put little effort into the pursuit of knowledge, and more stock in the pursuit of power. When he was able to he left Clock Tower for the life of an Archaeologist, traveling on the Association's dime to find remnants of the Age of Magic. After more than a decade of this he grew tired of the hypocrisy of the Association, and took his experiences and decided to put them to good use. Settling down in Ukatan he got a job at the university teaching various History courses, where he continues his families study in his personal time. Other: Holding the belief that an ill prepared Magus is a dead magus, Jacob carries around a six shot revolver, which he happens to be a good shot with. However, this revolver has been altered in a fashion to allow it to be a focus for his Magecraft. When he fires a shot while the cylinder is empty it channels his prana enhancing certain spells. [/hider]