[h2][center]Ironclad[/center][/h2] After flying a little while Ironclad finally reached his target, Jump City, and meet up with the National Guard to gather information on what he can help do. Flying down to a Mobile Command Center Ironclad alighted to the ground and was greeted by one of the many soldiers. “Ironclad, thank God you are here.” Ironclad looked to the soldier as he spoke. “We are in some deep trouble here the CO will want to fill you in.” the soldier motioned for Ironclad to follow. “I apologize but I am not here to meet with your CO” Ironclad responded holding up his hand to stop the soldier. “I only wanted to establish a link with your comms for quick response.” Ironclad reached out his hand. “I will require your radio for a moment.” The soldier stood for a second just looking at Ironclad with a look of bewilderment before hesitantly handing over his radio. Ironclad held onto it for only a moment then gave it back. “Thank you.” Ironclad turned and flew off once more as he tapped into the National Guard’s comms. By this time the ship had already been guided down, but the news stations that Ironclad was listening to were all unclear as to what really happened. Some said Super Man had brought it down others said a young girl and her boyfriend were responsible for the evaded disaster. What really happened was not important at the moment as Ironclad making his way to a scene where a collapsed shop has left several people trapped in the rubble. Speeding over the downtown Ironclad looked to the landed ship before landing at the shop front. Upon landing at the scene there were a few police, National Guard and a crowd of civilians behind the police tape perimeter. A few people pointed up as Ironclad descended, and the police and NG turned to look. The officers questions each other and went to the NG who explain, as well as they could, who Ironclad was and why he was there. Walking to one of the NG and asked “Do you know how many are trapped inside?” “There are four people, two women and two children.” The soldier responded. “Everyone stand back.” At this the police and NG personnel stood by waiting for their next instruction. Ironclad on the other hand made his way to the pile of rubble and could hear the cries of the people inside. At once Ironclad began moving the large pieces of concrete that would weigh up to 500 pounds, until an opening was made. It was only big enough to reach a hand through, but that was all the survivors needed for fresh air. Now their cries could be heard clearer as hands began clawing at the opening. “Please, stand back.” Ironclad insisted. The hand retreated, but the cries for help continued. Ironclad reached his hand in and grabbed hold of the rubble from the inside then pulled hard. At first nothing happened then the concrete began to shift and pieces began falling away until Ironclad ripped a large opening. He moved quickly to brace the above rubble as it began to cave and yelled. “Get out quick!” without further motivation the four people crawled out quickly and began to run as soon as they could stand. Once they were out Ironclad dropped the rubble and it piled on top of him. The surrounding crowd gasped and fell silent as they watched the shifting concrete fall on top of the robot, but just seconds later the rubble exploded as Ironclad took off back into the sky making his way to another location.