[CENTER][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ad/ca/95/adca95e9da76a3bae8147753b209941f.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][I]'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'[/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]True Name:[/B] Guan Yu [B]Class:[/B] Lancer [B]Age:[/B] Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Master:[/B] Undecided [B]Personality:[/B] An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store. Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case. [B]Short Biography:[/B] Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period. As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness. Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan).[4] His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia) [B]Class Skills:[/B] [B]Magic Resistance[/B] [B]Battle Continuation:[/B] [B]Personal Skills:[/B] [B]Bravery[/B] [B]Chinese Martial Arts[/B] [B]Eternal Arms Mastership[/B] [B]Noble Phantasm:[/B] [url=http://s219.photobucket.com/user/Kid_Icarus2007/media/Naginata.jpg.html]Frost Fair Blade[/url] [B]Type:[/B] Anti-Unit [B]Description:[/B] A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands [B][I]Green Dragon Crescent Blade[/I][/B] [B]Type:[/B] Anti-Army [B]Description:[/B] The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it. [B]Other:[/B] His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman. [hr] Mostly done with my CS, if there's anything wrong with it, just tell me! :D