[i][b][color=f08080] Ekaterina (Katya) [/color][/b][/i] Seeing the boy jump and let out a girlish scream made it difficult for Katya not to snicker at him, given she found it so amusing in a not so good way. Hearing the boy stutter out he was fine Katya frowned not fully believing him given he looked like he was about to break down. This wasn’t the first time she had seen a look like that on someone so was pretty sure if this boy was pushed more he’d break down or snap. That just made Katya feel worse for snickering at him, even if she did find it amusing it still conflicted with her trying to be some evil bitch. Hearing the boy stutter out they just tripped him Katya sighed before shrugging as she got the feeling the boy wasn’t very interested in any help and she wasn’t ready to force help on someone. Looking away Katya remembered the one time back home she got bullied at school, noting that it only lasted a few days after she told Moskvin and her father. Who seemed to deal with it for her, although she dreaded to think how. Given Moskvin could be overly protective of her at times. She recalled one time a man bumped into her failing to see she was there and he nearly beat the crap out of him. Luckily thought after the man said sorry Katya told Moskvin told him to let the man go which he promptly did. It was funny it was almost like he was a dog in human skin although better paid. Rubbing her forehead Katya felt herself get a little frustrated given this interaction had basically failed before it had really gotten anywhere. Which annoyed Katya to no ends failing something was not something Katya liked and had been raised to think failure was simply unacceptable. Katya was just about to get to her feet and leave the boy on his own when she faintly heard the sound of a stomach growl and looked over at the boy. [color=f08080]“Excusing me? But are you hungry by some chance? If so here please be taking these I have plenty in my room.”[/color] Katya stated pulling 3 small bags of gummy snakes and offered them to the boy. The packets being covered in Russian writing and cute cartoon snakes with a very cheerful grin almost like it was happy that it was about to get devoured. Katya feeling a little happier that she had a chance to atone for snickering at the boy, although she still hopped the boy hadn’t realized that she had snickered at him.