[h1][color=sienna]Ursula Elwyn[/color][/h1] [hr] [quote]"[color=gray]Hey![/color]" He called out, "[color=gray]You three alright?[/color]"[/quote] The familiar feeling of consciousness rushed back into Ursula's mind, the feeling of her cloth uniform touching her skin and the cold, filtered air touching her throat. She jolted up from her seat and immediately launched herself into a fit of rapid breathing. Her head throbbed with dull pressure from her temples, and her body was wracked with aches like deep bruising. Whether they were phantom or not, she couldn't tell for sure but they made her groan and wince as she moved. Her breath inward was quick and her exhales were short, ragged breaths, on the verge of bursting into tears as she threw herself from the terrible chair contraption to the floor. Crawling on all fours, she attempted to pull herself away from the Nexus machines and reach a safe place. Elias' words hit her finally and she spoke in a half-scream, half-weep as she said, "[color=sienna]N-n-not exactly! We nearly f-fucking DIED. Jesus Ch-christ[/color]!" The dryness of her throat hit her after she spoke, her voice hoarse, and she coughed hard as she crawled into the corner and put her back to the wall. The walls felt as if they were bearing down on her, closing her in. How was the Ram so powerful, that with all their power, they couldn't do anything to stop it after their previous victory? He shrugged them off like flies off a semi-trailer. Ursula reached into the pocket of her uniform to retrieve her glasses and attempt to put them on her face once more, hands shaking so much that she poked herself in the eye before managing to put them on. A long crack now ran through the corner of one of the lenses. She didn't notice. She just gripped at her knees and pulled them to her chest, looking around at her team-mates to see how they were doing. The deluge of sick coming from Malcolm to hit the floor only confirmed how she felt. She felt like she was both feet in the grave, and he was throwing up his soul. At least it wasn't her this time. [@GingerBoi123] [@Stairdweller]