[quote=@ningal700] Thank you for the reply... Yes, I am seeing that he/she has not been on in a few days... I am itching for a decent roleplay though :/ It's driving me a little crazy, I have been searching for a good one for hours >.< Well here maybe I will just post a bio anyway and hopefully won't forget about it. I shall start... Now! Name: Liliana Izador Nickname: Lili Gender: Female Age: 16 Brief Personality: Liliana is sweet and seemingly innocent. She always seems to be cheery and have a smile on her face, despite undesirable situations that she often finds herself in. She is compassionate and genuine, and she always sincerely tries her best at everything she does. When she is around, even the most depressed feel the joy radiating from her. Ability: (Let me know if this isn't allowed - if it is, I will create a bio for her sister as well.) She doesn't actually have one... She is in the academy because of her older sister's admittance and the death of her parents. However, she tries to keep this quiet, because she doesn't want anyone to take advantage of her, knowing that she would be less likely to defend herself/retaliate. Limits to Ability: She wants to have an ability like most others around her, and feels weaker without one. Age admitted into Riverwood: 9, she has been in the academy for almost half of her life due to her sister being discovered so young. Background: Liliana grew up in her home with her mother, father, and siblings like any other typical young child. She was good at math and road horses and liked to draw, normal for a girl her age. She was happy as could be in her home, until the day that they came to murder her family. When the X-people arrived to kill them all, Liliana was separated from her siblings, besides one of her older sisters, and she is almost certain that her parents were put to death, but the two sisters escaped their home and hid for hours until staff from the academy arrived to collect them. She has grown up in the academy ever since and the other students who live their are, to her, a new family who she feels close to. Her sister, she rarely sees. As a matter of fact, hardly anyone ever sees her sister at all. So she is basically living on her own, trying to fit in and refusing to leave the academy unless her sister will accompany her. Appearance: Liliana is short in stature with chin-length, wispy golden hair that is as soft as an angel's. Her eyes are bright and blue, and her skin is somewhat tan, but not too dark; she still has an adorable natural pink blush that spreads across her cheeks when she smiles. She has a few freckles but her complexion is mostly a clear one. She doesn't wear much make-up, as she prefers natural beauty to cosmetics, and it's obvious that she doesn't need it. She is curvy in the right places, yet also fairly thin, and she tries her best to train and work out often to build up muscle. Her clothing tends to consist of a tank top and some blue jeans, or a cute skirt, with sandals or tennis shoes on her small feet. She has her toes painted as often as she can. Other: Liliana loves animals and babies and all things bright and bubbly - and she tends to be a bit boy crazy, too. But, regardless of her appearance, she may not be as innocent as some think... [/quote] Just in case you haven't seen this yet [@Penguin], they are waiting for your approval.