Oy vey. My head. Jesus-bleedin'-Christ, what happened? Ow, not just my head. My everything. Ow. Christ, why was I hurtin' so much? It started comin' back to me in flashes. The cop car. We were in a cop car. We were escapin'. Goin' along fine. Then we got hit by another car. Of all the bleedin' things. Luck of the Irish my arse. And here I thought we could've gotten away with travelling in a vehicle away from the bloody school. Everything was starting to come back to me. Here I was, danglin' upside down in a crashed police car, blood pourin' down me forehead, achin' everywhere and not a bloody rest stop in sight. Wonder-fockin'-ful. Where were we? The last I remember, we were headin' away from the school after we'd picked up the other guy from the house that was shootin' at us, except he wasn't the one shootin' at us and he'd killed the original guy so we'd let him in, left Doris behind, dead. That reminded me. Sophia. I looked around, in a daze, and found her to my right, shakin' my shoulder 'n trying to get me to wake up, which I was. I cracked a smile and gave her a wave. "Hey lass. I'm still hangin' around." I chuckled. Grim humour in a grim bloody world. Right, time for me to get out. I looked down (up) and found the clasp of me seat belt. Bracing for the worst, I jammed it with my finger and fell the few inches down to the roof of the car- Ow. That hurt more than it should. I tried to straighten myself and climbed out of the upside-down car. God that was awful, like being put through a washing machine, 'cept the thing was designed to pummel you silly, not wash your clothes to a sparkle shine. Aye, I hurt, but I guess so did everyone, 'specially little Sophia, poor lass. But we were here, 'n we were alive, that's all that mattered to me. It was night out, judging from how bloody dark the whole place was, and the only people I saw up were meself, Sophia, and Alex. The other two were still strapped up inside the car; our driver and the other gunman, still unconscious. I didn't know if we were to leave them behind or no, but whatever the case, I hoped they woke up soon, more heads equals less worry, 'specially with these two. I placed a hand on Sophia's shoulder and smiled to her, fighting past the aches of moving again. "Aye lass, we're alive. Right bloody ride that was, but we're alright, eh?" As far as I was concerned, all my gear was still with me, save the pipe that I'd thrown away back at the school. Me pack was ripped a little, but nothing it couldn't handle. We were alright, aye, but the question now was where were we? And where would safety be?