[color=f7941d][B]Name:[/b][/color] Deejaza "Jaza" Mereetus [color=f7941d][B]Age:[/b][/color] 33 [color=f7941d][B]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=f7941d][B]Race:[/b][/color] Argonian [color=f7941d][b]Class:[/b][/color] Archer [color=f7941d][B]Physical Description:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Jaza is a female Argonian, standing at roughly 5' 9", with a tail that's average length for her species. Her scales are a dark green in colour, and her little feathery extensions on her head are long and coloured tan. She wears leather armour as her norm, minus the helmet cause she doesn't like the helmet. Her quiver sits on her waist on the right, full of arrows, and her bow is normally slung across her chest. The sheathes of her daggers lay slung on her belt, criss-crossed against the small of her back.[/INDENT] [color=f7941d][B]Skillset:[/b][/color] [INDENT] [b][u]Expert Skills[/u][/b] - Archery - Sneak - Light Armour - Lockpicking [b][u]Adept Skills[/u][/b] - One-Handed [b][u]Novice Skills[/u][/b] - Medium Armour [b][u]Racial Skills[/u][/b] - Waterbreathing - Histskin - Resist Disease [/INDENT] [color=f7941d][B]History:[/b][/color] [indent]Jaza was an archer. Most Argonians didn't normally go into that line of work but the field of Archery, marksmanship and hunting seemed to call out to her. Due to her exceptionally green scales, she found that she had less trouble hiding in vegetation than most other hunters, and owing to her practiced hand at archery, she soon became a very good hunter and marksman in the Black Marsh. Jaza was a curious one though, and soon took her bow, arrows and daggers out of the Marsh and into the wilds of Skyrim, selling her services as an expert marksman for coins to live by. Of course that soon led to a life of crime, as most people she was employed by had need of her bow in the ending of someone else's life, and eventually that led her to the Collector, or rather, the Collector was led to her. Now she was late to the party of their group's latest assignment, and she needed to catch up.[/indent] [color=f7941d][B]Equipment:[/b] [/color] [list] [*] A quiver of Iron Arrows [*] A Long Bow [*] Two Iron Daggers [*] Leather Armour (minus the helmet cause those helmets never fit Argonian heads) [/list] [color=f7941d][B]Known Spells:[/b] [/color] - Novice-level Healing [color=f7941d][B]Party Control:[/b] [/color] Yes