A single eye remained open as she drew her orbs over to her side and let the crackling energy disperse between them again and again, forcing the charge, the voltage, to keep getting bigger as she heard the voice of her [i]favorite[/i] mechanic. He was being rather rude, as the magic forced a bullet previously unknown from her thigh, she hummed at it falling out and rubbed her head. [color=#990099]"Hey. I ran all the way here. And got shot at. After getting out of the Doctor's office. I needed a kick-start before I passed out! This hurts..."[/color] But there he went, throwing those orders. A soft sigh and she laughed before holding her hand out and aiming her quartet after Duncan's shot. Four Thundara spells would burst out, converging in behind the bullet as Xerox instructed in order to assist with shutting down the big scary man. With lightning so true, the bullet went through the titan's heart and the thunder stayed in his body to assault every fiber -- flesh or machine. As he finally fell, Eika in turn did as well with a soft sigh. The effects of the support cocktail she'd yanked from her Instructor had finished up and now? Hell. She could be that cripple that wanted to can-can with how unwilling her legs were to move. Ah....Everything was aching in the [i]worst possible ways[/i] thanks to all of those spells... So of course she didn't notice her little PuPu climbing up Mount Duncan in order to jump on top of Duncan's tourist guide and wave it's little arms about for his attention. [color=blue]"Elixir, please!"[/color] It...talked. Like an actual PuPu. And repeated it twice more while jumping up and down before pointing to Eika. [color=blue]"Elixir! Elixir! Please!~"[/color] Failing to notice that, Eika had turned her attention to Xerox at this point in order to try and grab HIS attention. [color=#990099]"Ah...Sorry I couldn't get here sooner. And uhm. Nobody save the doctor and maybe the man at the exit knows I left. What exactly was going on and...Well...What happened to everyone?...Was I too late to stop it all?..."[/color] So she had seen it all. And like her family, she hadn't been able to help them?...Those tiny cracks in her head were emerging once again. She just...had to try and hold it together for now as that exhaustion hit at her will. This was a poor way to wake up and try to help what she could more or less call her "family" now...