[center]May and Julie[/center] May was used to her sister being shy around others like this. But she was acting like a spoiled little child hiding behind her big sister like that. They both had gone to some partys before but it was almost always the same. May wouldn't be shy around others but still kind of ignored them most of the time and Julie would always hide even tough she wanted to do fun stuff with her sister. Julie always seemed to have a more fashionable mind then her sister for some reason. Even tough they sisters almost looked the same, boys still chose would chose for Julie most of the time. Well May didn't plan to get a boyfriend soon anyway. May looked back at her sister again while slowly walking inside seeing how much effort she had acctually putted into her outfit and appearance. Julie was wearing a [hider=Night sky blue dress][img]http://i.imgur.com/yWseWlM.jpg[/img][/hider] with her hair curled up at the end and a white ribbon holding her small side tail puffed up more then ussual. She was wearing the same coloured heels under her dress and her make up wasn't to wild either. She gently smiled and gave a quick glance over her own attire. It was pretty basic and simplistic, she didn't do much to get herself like this and it was indeed pretty lazy. Her [hider=Dress][img]http://i.imgur.com/utQ0EXi.jpg[/img][/hider] was almost the same colour of her sisters and she just wore her normall short sneakers that wouldn't go any further then her ankles and some basic make up. If she had payed some more attention to the front of her she wouldn't have had the rouble of almost bumping into the boy that had jumped in front of the girls immediatly both, questioning and greeting them. Of course Julie only hided more behind her sister and didn't reply back to him in any way. May reasurengly grabbed Julie her hand while still facing the boy in front of her. Her eyes peered over the man his body studing him well if he didn't want to play any tricks on them before replying to the boy. [color=0072bc]Good evening Mr.Grimm, My name is May and sorry but I don't really know how to dance. My sister over here does tough.[/color] Julie had started peeking at the man from the side of May her head but turned bright red before she realised what her sister was doing. Her head duck away again behind May her body burying her face inside May her back and shaking her head at the same time. May was a little suprised by the reaction of her sister but still continued [color=0072bc]And maybe if you're lucky she will loosen up a little and don't be so shy anymore.[/color] May jumped away from Julie getting her completely out of cover. She grinned a little before taking her hand again and handing it out to the boy in front of them [color=0072bc]Have fun! Both of you.[/color] She grinned again and walked away a little from them but still staying close to them so Lucie wouldn't break down. If she would be alone like this in the crowd she will likely start crying just like the old days. May walked over to the punch bowl, got some punch for boyh her and her sister and waited for them to finish dancing if thhat would be happening. Lucie quietly stood there with the man his hand in hers. She was blushing like a red tomato and her eyes were averted to the ground. She didn't say anything and kept looking at her sister who was still near them. After some time passed she decided it couldn't be avoided and looked the boy in his eyes still full of fear trying to say in body gesture that he could lead the dance.