Blech... I hate having a single "main character." XD I have one RP it works on simply because we take it in a very nice way. It's based on a conflict between two characters (both my partner's) and how everybody around is affected (little deeper than that, really) and there's a wonderful break in the plot where it will switch to have a new center ^^ anywho! No fear. Th story here isn't fixing my character, it's them discovering their old connection. It won't be an instant change, but norbwill it take pages upon pages. Likely the changebwoukd start the moment she said anything in regards to it and would progressively fix his playstyle in an efficient manner. Plus, no worries on the planning thing. I may have ideas that I fiendishly think to incorporate later, but they will never be forced - I always base them on a scenario and they'll be tossed away the moment that they're the plot shifts tondrop their validity. Sorry for the post riddled in typos. I'm on my phone. >_<