[center] [color=Aquamarine][h2][i]Olivia Farris[/i][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Live (Pronounced Liv). [b]Real Name:[/b] Olivia Farris. [b]Age:[/b] 22. [b]Position:[/b] N/A. [b]Occupation (If Any):[/b] N/A. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/As2s73b.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.eonline.com/resize/500/500//eol_images/Entire_Site/2014628/rs_300x300-140728041846-600.Natalie-Dormer-Hunger-Games-JR-72814.jpg[/img] Live has a number of piercings through her ear besides the normal piercings. These arrange themselves starting at the top of the ear and moving down to the middle. She has three on the left side and two on the right. She keeps the side of her head shaved to show a tattoo of the thorny vines of a rose that trail down from her head along her spine all the way to the base of her back. Her scars include a small slash across her left eyebrow that causes hair to not grow, nearly segmenting her eyebrow. Along her right shoulder she has a scar where she received surgery on her shoulder. Surgery was needed after the number of times she fells and dislocated the arm. Through her left calve she has a small scarred dip on both the front and back. This dip is caused from a small jagged pipe going through her leg on one of her falls. The pipe not only pierced her leg, but also broke the bone, though thankfully she doesn't have a limp from the broken bone. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Live is someone who tries her hardest on a task put in front of her. As long as it seems somewhat logical she will push herself to accomplishing it no matter what, even if it is harmful to herself. She always puts other mutants before herself as part of the mutant group. She sees the humans and mutants as separate races and pushes with everything she has to help out her side. When it comes to other mutants she has a soft side that she shows. Relationships with mutants come easy for her, and she readily tries to improve them. As for humans, the difference is almost night and day. She despises how they treat her kind instead choosing to believe in Mutant Power, or Mutant Superiority. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Electricity Manipulation:[/i] Live can control most forms of electricity simply with a touch of her hand. Of course following the laws of energy she can not create or destroy energy, but rather has to charge herself like a battery before being able to use her power. Live feeds off electricity like food or water, making it a requirement for her daily routine. Unlike food or water though she can overindulge in electricity giving her a high and also overcharging her powers. While charged she is forced to wear rubber gloves over her hands. Her hands are the most conductive part of her body so if she doesn't wear gloves there is a high chance of her accidentally touching someone and shocking them. This leaves Live unable to touch others without worrying about hurting them. Once charged Live is able to use her power for a multitude of things. These include recharging other electricity required things, creating electrical fields, generating "mini-lightning", running up walls using static electricity, and more she hasn't learned about yet. [b]Skills:[/b] Live is very nimble and fit. She makes the perfect candidate for field work and special missions such as reconnaissance and spying. Live is skilled in getting into places normally inaccessible, most of the times without being caught. She loves a challenge, especially if it involves her ability, and will constantly push herself until she achieves it. [b]Biography:[/b] Live grew up in a small family, with only her mom and younger sister, Rose. While she didn't have a great relationship with her mom, mostly because she worked all the time to support her two little girls, Live's relationship with her sister was stronger than anything. The two were inseparable, always with little Rose trying to copy Live's stupid stunts. Live's power didn't manifest until later on in her life. Her sister's, however, manifested as soon as she turned 13. One day when Live and Rose were walking through the park, Rose was running around jumping into puddles while Live watched her to make sure she didn't get hurt. Well, that's what she tells herself, but she was really jumping in the puddles too. Anyway Rose jumped into a final puddle that spanned a good portion of the field. As soon as her feet touched the water ice began to spread. It covered the entire puddle, even entrapping one of the kids who had unfortunately jumped into the same puddle just moments before. Within minutes SWAT teams had the park surrounded, and Rose was taken into custody. Rose screamed out for her older sister to save her, but Live was stuck in shock staring at the men dressed in black carrying away her sister. After her sister was gone and Live got over the initial shock she was filled with anger and dread. Her sister was gone, and she hadn't done anything to stop it. Without saying goodbye to her mother she left to get her sister back from the government, whatever it took. Live joined up with a mutant gang that let her in despite not having developed any mutant abilities. Through that mutant group Live stayed until she had developed her power. Within that group Live learned that Rose had been experimented on and killed after testing. Devastated Live turned to The Pit. She had heard they were a society of mutants and planned to join them so that she could support people like herself and her sister. Before she left she got her first tattoo, a thorny rose vine, to remember her sister by. [b]Other:[/b] Live has a serious weakness for bets. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IMBL2lzJ2U]"Dangerous" by David Guetta[/url] [/color] [/center]