[center] [color=Red][h2][i]Caleb Waterfront[/i][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Crash. [b]Real Name:[/b] Caleb Waterfront. [b]Age:[/b] 26. [b]Position:[/b] ?. [b]Occupation (If Any):[/b] ?. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/tumblr_mfpr7crdFA1rucjv3o1_500_zpssooefvqh.jpg[/img] Crash stands at 6’2 he has dark blonde hair and rare [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/357/1/d/amber_eyes_II_by_Just_another_face.jpg]amber eyes[/url] commonly referred to as 'wolf eyes'. [i]Tattoos:[/i] He has a tattoo of two blooming roses attached to a thorn vine that twists up from the left side of his abdomen slowly melding into a complex [url=http://mingyuanchashe.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/thigh%20tattoos%20for%20men-iKCU.jpg]tribal pattern[/url] that stretches over his shoulder and back, before travelling down his left arm. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Crash as he is quite aptly named, is a bit of klutz. He’s a good guy at heart but often makes a nuisance of himself, he just can’t seem to slow himself down, he’s usually full of energy and isn't happy unless he’s busy! He isn't good when it comes to serious matters, often remaining jovial despite all odds which others can find infuriating at times. He's physically unable to stay still for too long and severely dislikes anything that requires him to be so, he gets extremely restless and struggles to concentrate. Both of these facts can make him seem fairly immature to others. Even through the horrors and strains of war, Crash is notorious for keeping a smile on his face and maintaining a positive energy. He doesn't tend to showcase his personal emotions, it could be said that he hides them behind his jovial nature or it could be taken that he really is carefree enough to let things go. He’s always willing to help out any fellow mutant or friend, he’s easy to talk to and although he may not always know what to say he makes for a good listener. If you're going to ask a favor of him though bear in mind that sometimes his clumsiness gets in the way and he may unintentionally end up making things worse before they get better. He's an intelligent chap but his social perception is awful, sometimes he talks before thinking. He's particularly nervous about talking to women and can become quite flustered, it's incredibly easy to make him blush. When he's flustered he's even more clumsy than usual. Crash doesn't tend to lose his temper; it takes a lot to get him worked up about anything he’s too laid back to let things get to him...however he will not stand for anyone hurting people close to him or what he refers to as 'innocents'. [b]Abilities:[/b] [I]Sensing[/i] -The power to locate a person or people providing they are alive, this doesn't mean he can give their specific location but an idea. This is more effective if he has met them before however he can sense people he hasn't met through visual aids or belongings. He can also channel this ability to specifically locate mutants (known & unknown) within a 2 mile radius of his position. This power requires concentration and complete stillness, which he struggles with. When used it also means Crash cannot defend himself when he uses it. This power can be blocked/confused by strong electronic currents often found in electronic shielding or a large collection of electronic devices. [I]Molecular Immobilization[/i] - more commonly referred to as 'freezing', is the ability to slow down molecules to the point where they move so slowly that objects and people appear completely motionless, simulating the stoppage of time in a localized range. This power is always channeled through the use of one's hands, usually by stretching forward one or both arms at the target and extending one's fingers. [i]Selective Freezing[/i] - This allows the user to unfreeze certain parts or things, within the frozen area. As his power advances so does his ability to pick and choose what he freezes and unfreezes. For example, he could freeze a humans entire body but then unfreeze their head so they could talk. If Crash's hands are bound he cannot use his power to it's full potential, however he has been trying to learn new ways to channel his ability. This ability is not very effective on mutants, he has never been able to utilize it against another mutant even as a joke. [b]Skills:[/b] [I]Archery:[/i] Crash has learnt how to use several different types of crossbow and bow, though he favors the Mongolian composite bow more than any others. Despite this fact he has a modified recurve bow called [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb0nlppRtE1qdfs7xo1_500.jpg] Katherine [/url] which is his weapon of choice, alongside a quiver with a selection of non lethal and lethal arrows. Before the war archery was just a hobby of his, he would often partake in competitions on his travels. He acquired his bow from a dealer when he eventually returned to his home country. [I]Tinkerer:[/i] Crash has a knack for being able to make things out of old junk people would usually discard, he can also work with up to date technology to make things but he prefers using what other people wouldn't think to use. He likes making different types of arrows and making changes to his re-curve bow, which he is rather attached to. [b]Biography:[/b] Caleb started out life pretty normally, he was adopted at birth by a couple who couldn't have children of their own. He was positively adorable and loved immensely by his family, he was an only child but got on pretty well with his neighbors son. Danny and Caleb were close when they were younger, in fact Danny was the one who gave Caleb his nickname, ‘Crash’ because of his habit of colliding with things and his obsession with the cartoon character Crash Bandicoot. Caleb’s family wasn't wealthy neither were they poor, his parents worked hard to keep themselves afloat, his mother was a social security administrator within the government and his father was a divorce lawyer. Crash didn't see much of his father when he was growing up, he was always too busy working to watch Crash’s basketball games or attend parent’s evenings at his school. Crash was closer to his uncle who coached the local high schools basketball team; he viewed him as a much better role model than his own father. Crash’s powers manifested when he was in high school around about the age of 13. After Danny and Crash had been within the school a year, the quarter back of the school’s football team decided Danny would be a good way to vent his frustrations and took it upon himself to become Danny’s tormentor. Danny didn't breathe a word of it to his elder friend and kept it to himself, not wanting Crash to get in trouble over him. Unfortunately Danny didn't get to choose where he was bullied and the quarter back managed to corner him whilst he was waiting for Crash one lunch time. Crash saw the quarter back push Danny against a line of lockers and pull his arm back as if he was about to punch him in the face, his powers sprung to life almost instantly as Crash lifted his hands to push someone out of the way. When everyone froze Crash rushed to Danny's aid, though he couldn't help but take it a step further and once his power timed out he ended up clashing with the quarter back. Crash was punished severely for his digression and suspended from the school with a view to being expelled for the harm he had done. It didn't take Crash long to figure out he was a mutant after this particular incident, he told Danny about his powers but waited a while before telling his parents. He was eventually expelled from high school, forcing his parents to seek out another school. Aware that things were becoming a little heated between the differing factions he pushed to be home schooled, choosing that moment to reveal he was a mutant. His father went ballistic; claiming it was impossible there was no way HIS son could be a filthy mutant. Crash demonstrated his power for his parents by freezing a falling vase, his father flew into a rage and struck him down for what he was, Crash was so shocked by his father’s reaction he didn't think to use his powers to escape his rage even after he had taken a few hits and been named an abomination, a danger to the human race...Crash wasn't aware his father was so against mutants. His mother did not offer her voice to the dispute neither did she defend him from his father, she simply remained silent. Stung by the sudden rejection of his parents Crash enrolled himself into a run down boarding school near New York, knowing that he had to escape before his father could have him locked away. Despite her previous silence his mother did come through for him in the end, she carefully transferred money to the boarding school and even used her contacts to give Crash a new identity. He wasn't happy about leaving Danny behind but he promised his friend that he would stay in contact as best as he could and told him if he had even an inkling that he was different like Crash was, that he had to contact him first before he told anyone, Crash would come back for him. Crash was happy in his boarding school, he kept out of trouble and kept his powers hidden from everyone for his own safety. His mother kept his location a secret from his father claiming that she didn't know where her son had gone and wasn't still in contact with him, to keep him safe she didn't contact him at all whilst he was school. Crash left boarding school when he was 18, in an attempt to escape the tension between the government and the mutants he decided to travel, keeping on the move and constantly changing his identity. When things reached a breaking point in 2015 Crash was forced into hiding too avoid the government. Over the last 5 years he has steadily made his way back to his birthplace, though he hasn't been actively involved in the war he regularly offered help to what he refers to as 'innocent' people this was often a mixture of mutants [I]and[/i] humans who were caught in the middle of the conflict, he liked the idea of being a bit of a vigilante. Unfortunately his willingness to help cost him dearly somewhere down the line. He drifted from place to place often interfering with local 'crimes' to protect any mutants he happened across sending them to the nearest safe haven. He's helped out multiple factions over the years by finding them new recruits or hunting them out supplies on his way back to his homeland, it was only really a matter of time before he ended up at The Pit. [b]Other:[/b] Crash is [i]extremely[/i] accident prone, his personal record for ‘Most accidents caused in one day’ is 5...so far. He strongly opposes being called 'Caleb' and will always introduce himself as Crash. Crash has a few keepsakes from his travels, a small piece of [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/da/47/ae/da47ae1d92fd9248055a62566fce896f.jpg] lightning ridge black opal [/url] which he wears on a [url=http://image.dhgate.com/albu_337795044_00/1.0x0.jpg]short black necklace[/url]. A decorative pair of [url=http://images.ontheedgebrands.com/get/w/400/h/400/A43-MC05520.image?notfound=notavailable] Crescent Moon Knives[/url] and a small assortment of precious gems and trinkets. He tends to wear a pair of human [url=https://bbguns4less.co.uk/product_images/i/973/Dog_tags_silver__45590_zoom.jpg]army dog tags[/url] on a chain around his neck, if they're not there they will always be somewhere on his person, he doesn't tend to let people look at them and hasn't told anyone anything about them. Crash's partner in crime is a German shepherd named [url=http://animaloriginal.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/mostly-black-german-shepherd-v6ewzdro.jpg] Tess [/url] he has her undying loyalty, she's obedient and well trained. Before he came to The Pit, Tess helped him to survive. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbz7H1H2cos]"Quasimodo" by Lifehouse[/url] [/color] [/center]