[center] [color=ForestGreen][h2][i]Gordon Baker[/i][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Mirage. [b]Real Name:[/b] Gordon Baker. [b]Age:[/b] 27. [b]Position:[/b] New Recruit. [b]Occupation (If Any):[/b] None at the moment. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd382/dark_angel133/tumblr_lowym9Ssih1qlgt75o1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Gordon is slightly bipolar, but not in the traditional way. Starting off, he tends to be a little shy and hidden by fear, but when he gets a rush of adrenaline, he immediately swings to the opposite of what he was. He is exciting and outgoing and loves to show off and do things that the other him would not normally do. He is a very friendly guy, very sympathetic as well. He never seems to be depressed, but he also seems to be shy and not wanting to talk to most people. Because he can change his appearance, he does not really know who he is. He acts more in the moment and likes to think into the future. He is very tentative when it comes to meeting new people and He can’t stand being near those who are fake. He also likes to mess with people since he is an illusionist and he loves to mess around. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Illusive Appearance[/i]: Gordon has the ability to change his appearance to be someone completely different or just change his appearance slightly. He can create the illusion that he is someone else or something else, like he can make it look like he is a tree or a bush or an animal or a car rather than a human. It is a very defensive ability. [i]Phobia Exploitation[/i]: Gordon has the ability to give illusions to people of their worst fears, but he has yet to really reign in this power because he is young. He does not know how to control it yet, but he knows how to direct it. He cannot control the length of time someone sees their worst fears, but he has the ability to direct it toward a specific person rather than it just going crazy and hitting everyone at once. [b]Skills:[/b] Because he is so young, Gordon does not have very many defensive skills besides hiding in plain sight. But he does know how to lock pick as well as break into places without setting off alarms or being heard. He is very stealthy, a fast climber of buildings, and a great swimmer. He is also an amazing acrobat and knows very basic defense moves. [b]Biography:[/b] Gordon did not have the best time growing up. He was born into a very poor family with five older siblings, a drunkard father, and a very hardworking mother who had to work three jobs to keep up with his father’s drinking problem. Each night his father would come home drunk, beat up his older sisters, whip her mother, and shove him and his brother into their rooms and lock them in. He had a hard time shutting out the screams of pain that his mother let out when his father whipped her after he had thought all of the children had gone the bed. He begged for relief from all of this pain in his family. He prayed for his mother to be safe and for his father to just leave. When he turned six, everything changed. One night, after his father came home during one of his drunken rages, he stayed out of her room and stood in front of his mother, hoping to protect her from his father. His father shoved him aside, slamming him into the wall, but Gordon did not go down without a fight. He wished more pain upon him than anyone else he could have ever thought off and his wish was granted. His father froze and began screaming suddenly, clawing at his face. He stumbled around, grabbing at his face until he slipped and fell, cracking open his head on the kitchen sink. His mother now looked at Gordon with fear. For little did Gordon know that he had just created his first fear illusion, in which his father was covered with poisonous scorpions. His mother, in fear for the rest of the children, took him to an adoption home the next day and dropped him off. His siblings were crying, as was his mother, but his mother knew that Gordon could not stay in their home because he was different. Gordon then grew up in the adoption home and he realized that he could give illusions to people that made them thing that he had changed his appearance. He would cheat in hide and seat by causing the illusion that he was blending into the wall or he would sneak some more food by giving the illusion that he was one of the children who had not come down to dinner was down there now. Gordon decided to leave the adoption home at eighteen because he was an adult now and afraid that what happened to his father would happen to his new friends as well. He knew he was different and he was afraid of himself. He left hoping to find others like him and that happened. He heard of the Pit through word of mouth on the street and went to go join to be a new recruit. And he hopes that they can help him in training with his fear illusions so he does not hurt anyone he loves again. [b]Other:[/b] Nothing much, besides a picture of his family in his wallet. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD-E-LDc384]"Enter Sandman" by Metallica.[/url] [/color] [/center]