The last person Marian ever wanted to spend personal time with was Robert Locksley, you can ask any of her coworkers that and they’d inform you of the same thing. So the likely-ness of the situation that was happening the bar to actually happen was second to none. But here they are, talking to each other and he was respectable and she was, well less bitchy. But the alcohol in her martinis were helping with the situation. She was able to deal with him and his old jerk-style personality with a desperate need to have a conversation with someone else other than Edward about himself or her father about everything but fun stuff. “Well, let’s keep the game P.G. okay?” She said with a grin to him before tapping her chin with her free hand. Thinking about what she could do to him for a dare in order to keep the situation P.G. Her lips pressed together in thought as she watched him closely, her free hand gently stirring the martini mixture. “Hmmm….” She said, pulling the attention to her as she thought. Her gaze moved to the nearby bowl upon the bar top. Reaching over she grabbed a cherry from the bowl and tossed it gently at Robert. “Tie the steam into a knot with your tongue. You have thirty seconds.” A grin moved across her face, and she began to count. “One, two, three, four, five…”