Roland continued eating as Avery stated that she never get to watch tv, so he assumed she showed no interest in watching anything. [i]“Whatever you say then”[/i] said Roland as flipped the television on while he continued eating. Afterwards, Avery decided to get up saying that she needed to use the restroom, so Roland decided to turn around behind him and point out where it was located and in statement as well. [i]“The hall right there, first door on the right. Everything should be in there so you’ll have no problems.”[/i] After she left, Roland picked up the remote and started flipping channels one by one to see if any type of interesting program was on. While he tried to eat what was left on his plate, every channel that he had came across showed nothing of interest to him, and other ones were playing nothing but non-stop commercials, so decided to at least land on some channel until the time being of finding something else to do once he was finished. Once he took his last bite, he sat all of his utensils back on the plate he ate off of and tried to lay back and relax a little bit thinking of different things. While the television was showing nothing but ads constantly, Roland then started becoming a little tired. He couldn’t keep his eyes open as they began to slowly close and his sight would fade into black. Shortly after, Avery came back into the main room, wondering if she could use the kitchen for something. As Roland got straight back up, trying to keep himself awake, he looked at her and replied. [i][i]“Uhhh…..yeah….sure.”[/i][/i] As she went into the kitchen, he leaned back up and rubbed his eyes so that he could stay awake, almost forgetting that he had company and how rude it would look on him. He then just caught himself for a moment to realize that she asked to use the kitchen, but for what? Once again, Avery came back into the room to ask Roland if he liked chicken. Roland looked back over at her, trying to keep awake and making himself look awake, with a response. [i]“Hmm? Oh….yeah. Yeah, I do.”[/i] Once she went back into the kitchen, he found out that she was probably going to cook with the chicken that was in the fridge, but then he asked himself something as he wondered. [i]“Wait a minute…..didn’t we just eat?” [/i]