"You might as well come back in a bit Levi." One of the nurses said, walking up to Levi who was waiting to hear any news about the girl. "She isn't in very good shape and will take some time for her to fully recover but at this time we don't see anything life threatening. If you are going back to the storage closet to continue cleaning that up, I'll be more than happy to come and get you once we are done." "Yes, that would great." Levi said, concern written on his face as he looked at the curtain. He wanted to stay there and wait for her but as the nurse said, there wasn't much he would be able to do until their work was done. As he worked on reorganizing the medical supplies, Levi wondered where the girl came from and she might have went through to end up the way she did. With the dirty condition she was in she must have lived on her own for awhile or seeing what the case was for most people in the school as well her being found in a hospital gown, was running away from something. He could still vividly remember his time spent confined and tested before arriving at Riverwood and seeing someone so young that went through a difficult situation was heart wrenching. He was lost in his thoughts and wasn't sure how much time passed before the nurse that spoke to him earlier came to see him. "Wow, you've gotten a lot done here." The young nurse said looking around. "It's not done but it's close. How is the girl?" "She's weak but we've done the best we can with her injuries. If you like you can go ahead and see her. I think we can finish up the rest. Thank you helping out." The nurse said as the two walked out of the storage room and headed to where the girl was, pausing just enough to grab a blueberry muffin from the nurse's lounge. Although he wasn't sure if the girl would be in any condition to eat, he felt that giving her the chance if she was hungry would be good. "You all are the real heroes here in the infirmary. I just help out with whatever I can." As the two parted ways and Levi entered the room, for a moment he thought he saw some sort of light flicker away from his peripheral vision but with the light gone before he could look towards the girl he wondered if something was actually there or just a flickering signal caused by his powers. Sitting down in a chair beside the girl, he observed that the nurses did a good job on fixing up the girl, she seemed to be in a much better condition now. Setting the muffin down on top of the nightstand beside her, it didn't take long before she started to stir. "Don't worry, you're safe here." Levi said with a soft smile as the girl opened her eyes. She had an odd visible mutation but with all sorts of mutations found at the school, he wasn't bothered one bit by her appearance. "My name is Levi. You are in a safe place with people with powers just like you. We can protect you and keep you safe here. You don't have to run anymore." Levi said emphasizing that the girl was safe yet again. Waking up in a strange place with strange people after going through whatever traumatic situation she went through, he wanted to make sure she was reassured, or at least as much as she could. His focus wavered slightly as the speaker system was turned on, giving an involuntary flinch. Even though no one was talking on the system yet, the mere action of turning the system on was very obvious to Levi, especially with the speakers present throughout the school. Seconds later, the announcement came on. Levi looked towards the girl a bit concerned. With the condition she was in he wasn't very comfortable moving her but knew that she probably should go as well. "I hate to do this to you right after everything that happened but we will have to head to the auditorium."