Well, since I haven't made my character move or anything except talk yet. I think I'll post a short post with said movements to complete my turn before the whole throne room empties completely. [quote=@PlatinumSkink] As there is a single letter difference, you'll have the advantage, yes. ... But they'll have an appropriate chance to fight back. As such, when fighting, you're to tell what you're TRYING to do. Yes, even against these NPCs. If you do want to include a whole fight in the post, you'll have to PM exchange with me for a bit. I didn't actually expect you to leave the room that quickly. I did think that all the people on the outside would be allowed at least one post before you all came thundering out, and past them. Though, yeah, as for those setting up defense, the Fighters were not actually going to attack. They were the ones on the defensive, really, making sure nobody came into the corridor. Of course, that might have been hard to predict, but I'd have ample reason in my own post... but now they're under attack, so that's another matter altogether. [/quote] I was very bewildered by that too! I wasn't really expecting automatic 1 hit Ko either. Made me reread the whole OOC to be sure something was amiss. I'm glad you clarified this for us! :>. Yep, I knew the fIghters weren't going to attack as said in your post, but my character thought they were going to. Guess that's out the window now. XD