Relieved, Xerox heaved a heavy breath. A few others could be heard among the silence. [i] Is it over?[/i] was the first thought. Xerox propped his glasses, confirming the state of the implants, no longer functional. The silence was broken by Duncan. [color=lime]'Ex... traction team, so uh... you Xerox. Take him back. Load up the wounded and... the dead too. Kein's a healer, he'll keep them going.'[/color] His voice grew slowly stronger as he spoke, as if giving orders were slowly restoring his confused mind. [color=lime]'The rest of you, search the area; anything of value, nick it. And Jake, do your thing, the office is yours.[/color] Xerox replied with a simple [color=aqua]'Yes sir'[/color]. Turning over to the fallen Eika [color=aqua]'You okay? You don't need to push yourself you know.[/color] Eika spoke, [color=#990099]"Ah...Sorry I couldn't get here sooner. And uhm. Nobody save the doctor and maybe the man at the exit knows I left. What exactly was going on and...Well...What happened to everyone?...Was I too late to stop it all?..."[/color] Looking around, Xerox sighed. [color=aqua]"Well, if you are talking about those from the class that graduated, the others seem to have gone on other missions or something, I haven't been able to see any of them around. So far it's you, me, Kein and Syrus. But Syrus took a pretty big hit, so he might be out of it for a while. If you are talking about everyone in this team built by Duncan, a number of them are back at the base camp. A small team was selected for this capture, but ... we lost a few good people, but, nonetheless, you weren't too late. You really saved us there while we were in a bind. I was able to find the weak spot, and although I am not the leader, issued an order which you listened to. I'm thankful you got here when you did. You did the best you could, you should rest. You really helped out everyone. There's probably less dead thanks to you."[/color] He gave her quite a speech, he was unsure what it was she wanted to hear, and tried his best to comfort her. The best person for that would of been Duncan, but he seemed to be kind of avoiding Eika. Going through his stock, he had some [b]Cures[/b] he could use to help her, at least a little. [color=aqua][b]"Cure"[/b][/color], Xerox called out, calling forth his paramagic stock of Cure to use. A green glow surrounded Eika, letting her feel the soothing paramagic. [color=aqua]"Think you can stand? You should get Kein to look at you to help you. Maybe Duncan can take you, I need to get the target and the injured."[/color] Xerox asked, lending Eika a hand to help her stand. Regardless of if she stood or not, or if she took his hand or not, after a moment he left her with the words, [color=aqua]"You did your best, and you did a great job. Get some well deserved rest."[/color] Walking away, Xerox approached Wiggs's body. Assuming the proper procedure to lifting heavy objects without straining ones back, he attempted to lift Wiggs. ... ... ... ... ... After a few moments, it was evident, Wiggs was too heavy with all those implants to be moved by even a group of people, let alone just Xerox himself. Getting a long pole, Xerox used some leverage to get Wiggs to lift up slightly from the ground. Afterwards, he brought up a trolley using his [b]ESS[/b] and managed to get Wiggs on it. Luckily, it was a trolley suitable for mechas, so it was able to support Wiggs weight. Checking one last time, Xerox was able to confirm the implants weren't being repaired. In all honesty, he wanted to extract the implants and check them out, however, there was a chance of killing Wiggs in the process. That would be a waste, considering all the effort they put into capturing him. Once he got Wiggs on the trolley, he went and got the wounded SeeD, such as Syrus and Freya, onto a trolley next to Wiggs. Turning to the person with the scythe who had helped them during the SeeD examination, Jericho, Xerox requested some help. [color=aqua]"Hey, could you help gather the rest for me? I will start heading down with who I got now.[/color] Hoping that he would get that help, Xerox dragged the trolleys to the extraction vehicle. Although on a trolley, Wiggs was still quite difficult to transport. Kein and the others had their eyes wide-opened at the size of the man, and the sheer weight. The team struggled to get him into the vehicle. [color=cornsilk]"Woah, what is he, a giant? ... Oh shit. Syrus, Freya. I better take care of them![/color] Kein spoke out. Although he was being frantic, he was a good healer, Xerox knew that much at least. [color=aqua]"I'll go get the other wounded and ... deceased. We will be moving out probably after we grab anything useful and Jake does whatever he needs to do.[/color] Xerox went back to where the others were.