The bandits cursed as the Breton woman flew from their grasp, levitating herself behind a big pine tree. An arrow whistled by her, and a second followed, but fell short. "Leave her, we'll get the wench later!" said the middle bandit. He turned to sneer at the Khajiit. "Gentlemen? Do we look like gentlemen? I'm going to enjoy carving you up, cat man!" Two of the bandits rounded on Jo'Resfo, and began circling him. The one giving orders turned his attention to Aristobus. "Any last words, Imperial?" he said through gritted teeth. "Shoulda stayed south of the border. Nothing but death up here for your ilk!" [center]###[/center] Deejaza peered out over the melee from her hidden position behind some elevated shrub. The Collector's envoy had said there were others assigned to gathering the bottle of mead, and she had thought that impossibly odd. Why so many people for a lousy bottle? Why pay so much for it? The smouldering ruins of Helgen suggested an eery answer: perhaps there as no more of the stuff, not the same local brand in any case. What had happened here anyway? Nevermind. A Dunmer lay on the ground, blood pooling around his lifeless body. The Envoy had mentioned one such agent in the group. A Breton woman had thrown down the Levitation Act quite shamelessly as the melee had begun, and Deejaza smirked at the sight of her. Crafty. But it wasn't doing much for the hapless Khajiit, who was perhaps seconds away from being turned into dog food. The clanking of armour rattled behind her, and she cast a backwards glance. Reesh greeted her with a nod - the two had met up a couple of hours earlier on the road, and he seemed an able companion from their short introduction. She motioned him over, and pointed at the bandits as they circled the Khajiit, and then the Imperial who was backing away from what was presumably the bandits' leader. Reesh gave the scene a brief analysing glance, and then with a nod, casually descended down to the gate with his mace held low and his shield high.