Name: Kylie Age: 35 Gender: Female Powers/Abilities: Shadow Cloak (renders the caster invisible for a short time), Shadow-step (short range teleport behind target), uses poisoned blades. Species: Half-cat daemon, Half-fire daemon. Description: Kylie was an assassin sent to kill Fedora-man, it didn't work. She fought him and lost horribly almost losing her life. She was allowed to live on one condition, she would bring Fedora-man to her employer. She agreed and when they found her employer she was impressed by the way Fedora-man handle himself, he did't kill the guy or yell or shout all he did was threaten the guy with certain death if he ever tried to do something like that again, of course the guy tried to shoot Fedora-man on his way out but Kylie killed the guy before he could pull the trigger. She told Fedora-man that she would work for him, but only if he never changed the way he acted.(Which of course he didn't as he is still the same as he was before.)