[@SepticGentleman] Jared grunted as the gun was pressed into his limp hand. He was still conscious, but only barely. He watched as Bobby and Jazz went toe-to-toe with the minigun-toting aggressor; his vision was blurring and distorted, but he was fighting the urge to lose consciousness with everything he had. Lifting his hand by about an inch, he squeezed the trigger of the gun, letting out a couple of shots that went absolutely nowhere near their intended target. He tried to lift his hand again for another shot, but it felt heavier. He watched in horror as his arm seemingly began to fade out of reality, before everything went black. He awoke with a gasp, thrashing violently in the Nexus chair. He flung himself onto the floor, attempting to hold himself up but failing - ending up lying face down on the clinical tile. He simply lay there for a few minutes - retching - before pulling himself to his feet, grasping onto the chair for support. Looking up, he saw that he wasn't the first to have been ejected. There were 3 other Zoners, but more importantly he saw Eli manning the console. He stumbled angrily towards him, weakly grabbing his shoulder for emphasis. "What the [i]fuck[/i] was that about!" He attempted to shout, but instead it came out as a hoarse croak. "You send us out there with absolutely no training and expect us to just fight off a bunch of mutants as if it's nothing?!" He fell against the wall as another wave of dizziness swept over him. "To hell with this, I want out." He said with as much conviction as he could muster.