Kakutoku Sha had swaggered on back to the hotel lobby. His twin buxom and scantily clad ladies followed the Sweet Daddy K. "Ya'll go'n check and find me a map." The one on the right swayed over to the desk as she ringed a bell. Sweet Daddy K opened the top of the gilded bottle of sake once more and poured it into his gullet. During this time the lady on the left began checking her nails. "Mmm Sweet Daddy do my nails look chipped to you?" She inquired as she held out her left hand. The tanuki peered carefully at them as he shook his head. "Nah, nah gurl. Nails 're as pristine as Ikeda. Might wanna go get yaself notha manipedi, on Daddy's account of course. Cause ya wit the Sweet Daddy, ain't gonna make ya pay fer ya own nails."