[color=fb4f4f][u][b][center][h3]Cecelia[/h3][/center][/b][/u] Cecelia, while waiting for the gates to open, happens to see a younger-looking girl rushing towards the castle. [i]Wow, lively little sprite. She's got some fancy clothes on, and what's that in her-[/i] Cecelia's thoughts were soon interrupted by the little girl eating dust. After a few seconds of shock, Cecelia realized that the girl wasn't getting up. Cecelia broke out into a sprint to get the girl. She picks the girl up to her feet and hands her the bag after picking it up for her. Now she starts walking the girl in the direction of the palace, where it seemed she was headed. "Are you ok there? What happened?" Cecelia wondered if this was a good idea, but that poster mentioned being in groups, and she'd prefer to have friends in her group than enemies. [i]Show them you care, and they might accept you.[/i] Cecelia heard an old friend from the streets tell her when she was nine and wanting to go to the ball. She never really fit in, but this place was full of people for one goal: to stop those monsters. Or get gold, but stopping the monsters is the only way to do so, so that reason still stands. Cecelia continues to help the girl in the direction she was originally headed.[/color] [color=14cedb][u][b][center][h3]Brennen Garron[/h3][/center][/b][/u] Brennen strolls in after paying to have his horse stabled whilst he checks out the palace. [i]I don't like working with people, but I'm not getting any choice. Oh, well. At least I might be able to teach someone a little more tactics. If I'm REALLY lucky, I'll meet my dream fighter. I just want a good fight is all. I'm tired of teaching little brats how to spot a general weakness with a given swordfighting style. I teacha and teach, but they really learn close to nothing. One person has given me a fun fight in the past year or so. I just want a good match.[/i] Brennen breaks from his internal complaining when he sees a woman helping up a little girl. [i]They can't both be here for the flyer, they're young. The spiffed-up tyke especially. Someone better watch over the younger ones here. I can't be a tactician forever. Hell, I don't know if I'll be in a group with either of them. Statistics say no. Meh, oh well. Hey, that looks palace-y. That might be the place.[/i][/color]