Here's my Mastah~ [hider=Master] Name: Dr. Fumio Nakahara Age: 34 Gender: Male Servant: We'll see~ Powers/Abilities: Necromancy: A practice born through the manipulation of corpses, letting its practitioner perform feats like raising simple zombies, giving birth to cobbled monsters or even using body parts as weapons. While many of his craft travel from one war to the next tragedy, with a short stop at a local epidemic, guaranteeing them a never ending supply of bodies, Fumio is one of the odd cases who prefer to stay in one place for a longer period of time. Spiritual Surgery: A type of magecraft used by Spiritual doctors that heals through a spiritual medium, as in healing through the spirit rather than flesh. It is a "curse" that can remove the infected part without using a single surgical knife on the body. Something he doesn't use often since his "patients" are dead....most of the time. General Magecraft: Things you should've picked up if you're not from a completely useless magus family, like Bounded Field creation, Formalcraft, Memory Manipulation and other convenient little spells to keep normal humans off your back. Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Fumio has a huge god complex, which only furthers his ambition to create true life, the one goal he has and focuses all his work on. While he poses as the serious and strict professor during his lectures and the university, he comes a lot closer to the cackling mad scientist archetype when he is alone with his creations. He thinks of golems and homunculi both as failures and merely bad imitations of real life, simple dolls which don't even come close to his flesh constructs. Short Biography: Born into the sixth generation of a magus family was fortunate for Fumio. Being born into the sixth generation of a magus family that practiced Necromancy was ideal. Being born into the sixth generation of a magus family as the first son and already destined to become the next heir, was fate. Having this future taken away from him, together with the family's crest and his biggest chance to reach the dream he had since he read a book about a certain doctor F., after years of studying their rituals and spells, just because his old foolish grandfather thought that he "wasn't stable enough", was the greatest injustice he had ever experienced. Thankfully though, minor mishaps like this would never stop a true genius like Fumio, so he made the only correct choice: He killed his grandfather and brother, took the thaumaturgical crest and ran off, after making sure that the bodies would never ever be found of course. In the following years he not only acquired his PhD, but also managed to become an integral part of the Ukatan university staff as a Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, not necessarily through hard work alone, which meant he had access to needed materials and certain useful places without drawing unwanted attention from the local authorities. Other: - [i]"It's alive!!! Well not in the actual sense of the word, but who cares about such trivialities, right?"[/i] [/hider]