[center]And since Approval has been received for my rather odd idea, CS depositing in 3...2....1... [i]CS Initiated[/i][/center] [hr] [hr] [center][img]http://i959.photobucket.com/albums/ae75/halfer92/GreyWardenRogueAvatar.jpg[/img] (He wears standard leather armor, not the Greywarden variant.) Kinnard stands close to six feet in height and is built of compact muscle. While he does not have the build of strength of a warrior he can still hold his own in a fight. His dark eyes glisten with a knowing twinkle behind them. His body is a patchwork of scars that have healed over and more scars having been created over them. The grey hair appearing in his beard and hair marks his appearance giving him the look of a man much older than he actually is. [color=yellow][b]Name:[/b][/color] Kinnard Armfield [color=yellow][b]Age:[/b][/color] 35 [color=yellow][b]Sex:[/b][/color] Male [color=yellow][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=yellow][b]Class:[/b][/color] Rogue/Tempest [color=yellow][b]Title:[/b][/color] Hissrad [color=yellow][b]Magical Abilities:[/b][/color] N/A [color=yellow][b]Personality:[/b][/color] A charming face, an arrogant smirk and a deep hearted chuckle. Kinnard is exactly the opposite of what you'd expect from a Ben-Hassrath agent. He appreciates solving problems using well placed words and well forged documents as much as he can. While straight forward violence and outright barbarism leaves a dirty taste in his mouth. Having a storyteller's heart and a silver tongue he enjoys leading people on with grand tales of heroism and joking barbs. While most see him as a uncultured rogue interested only in secrets and getting inside as many peoples small clothes as he can, he has a heart for the little people and does what he can to aide those in need. [color=yellow][b]History:[/b][/color] The boy who Kinnard as the story goes was the sun of an Antivan merchant prince and his love affair with an Orlesian peasent. As he puts it was a romance destined to end in heartbreak like in all the stories. So soon after the boy was born, the Antivan had to leave once again never to be seen again. Later he would find out through his own channel of sources that his father died two years later defending his treasure ship from pirates. The boy's mother raised him until he was eight years old and that was when bandits raided their small farm and killed his mother and left him for dead. He would of died in the wreck of the farmhouse if it was not for the Ben-Hassrath Agent in the area named Korn that took pity on the boy and saved him. Soon after he was brought back to Par Vollen when Korn was recalled by the Ariqun. On their travels back Korn introduced the boy the Qun and soon afterwards when they arrived at the island nation, the boy was converted under the watchful eye of the Ariqun. It was here that through Korn's persistence that the boy would be trained to become one of the Ben-Hassrath. He was thought to be as strong as the ocean and as formless as dust. He was taught the ways of Assassinations and the art of spying, blackmail and blending in with the populace. To be a member of the Ben-Hassrath was to be able to adapt to any situation. To be able to sneak into any city and gather information that would further the will of the Qun. While he excelled in this clandestine arts, he also devoted himself to his religious studies and deciphering the words that determined his life. In the Qun he found peace and understanding he was able to have a place and know his purpose. When he was deemed ready he was given the title of [i]Hissrad[/i] a spy and was sent back over the seas to Thedas. It was here that he established himself as a Rogue of much skill. Being hired out by Dwarven Cartas, Human mercenary groups and freedom fighter elves. He even spent time among Tal-Vashoth traitors. Soon the name he had given himself to blend in Kinnard Armfield had become known in less than nice places. Nobody suspected the smiling, arrogant, drunkard to be a Ben-Hassrath Agent. But he did his job well underneath the silver tongue and facade he was a loyal member of his people and diligently sent out reports. As of recently Kinnard had found himself among the members of the Cold Iron Mercenary Company who had just taken a contract with The Order of Silence. [color=yellow][b]Other:[/b][/color] [i]Shok ebasit hissra. Meraad astaarit, meraad itwasit, aban aqun. Maraas shokra. Anaan esaam Qun.[/i] [/center]