[h1][color=gray]Elias Winzer[/color] and Jared Swift[/h1] [sub][i]In collaboration with [@Twisted Fate][/i][/sub] [hr] "Out?" Eli responded, "You ARE out." "I mean out of... this.” Jared said to him, “Whatever crazy shit you've got planned here, I damn well don't want to be a part of it anymore." Here we go. "So now that you're on the ground you suddenly don't want to do your part? Just fly around for shits and giggles?" Eli snapped back at him, taking his finger off the neural communication button. "I never signed up for this in the first place! I'm not a fighter, I'm just a regular guy!" He yelled back. He raised his hands and sighed in anger before lowering them again. He continued, "I'm useless to you, I can't even handle your stupid trial." Eli was starting to get pissed at this point. "Like it or fucking not, you're linked. So you're staying here until we have this situation under control. Get your fucking head out of the clouds, [i]man up[/i], and [i]learn how to handle a fight.[/i]" "So what? You just hold me here against my will?” Jared retorted, “Do that, and I'm not fucking co-operating at all. You need me a hell of a lot more than I need you." Five seconds ago he said he was useless. "Yeah, I do!” Eli stood up, shouting, “I have been here for YEARS getting ready for this shit! I CAN'T DO what you can in there! So the moment one of the few capable people around here, meaning YOU, decides he wants out because he's acting like a petty fucking CHILD, I have to be the one to pull you back in because I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN OPERATE THIS FUCKING THING." There was a moment of silence between the two. Jared shook his head and replied, "Whatever, it's obvious I've got absolutely no say in this anyway. But I've got a condition, if you expect me to go and risk my life in there again, I expect you to at least provide some level of training, got it?" Eli’s just a code monkey. He doesn’t know how to fight worth shit either. "You want training? Talk to someone from Zone 1." He snapped back at him. "I mean [i]real[/i] training, man!” Jared called out, “I've got no problem with my powers - at least when I have full control - but I can't fight for shit. Surely you've got some sort of physical instructors around here?! Or if you're so underfunded that you can't even afford that, I want that chick to train me. Miriam, was it? She's the only one around here that seemed like she knew what she was doing." [i]Underfunded.[/i] "Yeah, Miriam. The one with cancer. Talk to her." He said, as he took his seat once more. "Wait, cancer? Nobody told me anything about [i]cancer![/i]" Was Jared’s response. [sub][i]This guy can’t be serious.[/i][/sub] "TALK. TO HER about it.” Eli shot back, “Now sit down and let me do my job." Another pause before Jared responded, "Whatever, asshole. Just remember, if I get killed out there I swear to god I am haunting you for the rest of your fucking life." He turned and made his way back down the steps from the console, down the aisle. [sub]"Oh you don't have to worry about dying."[/sub] Eli muttered to himself.