The girl moved her head to look at Levy, her expression one of pure confusion. Who was this man? She had never seen him before. Where was a lab coat? Or his suit? Or those metallic things that some of the men carries around? She was completely confused by him. The next thing she spotted was the blueberry muffin on the table next to her. Groaning, she slowly sat up, which visibly took her some effort on her part. The nurses had cut the back of her shirt to allow her wings to come through it. At the moment, she didn't have the strength to keep them up, so the stick-like appendages simple draped over her back, the crystals on them sparkling when the light hit them the right way. She looked down at her new cloths and tugged at them, confused by the shirt and jeans. She couldn't remember if she had ever worn anything like them. She didn't even know what they were. Now even more curious, the girl looked around the room. It was nothing like any she had seen. There were more colors, things she had never seen before, people she had never seen before that looked like nothing she had seen before. When the loud speaker came on and the voice issued from it, she jumped and immediately put her hands over her ear as she began shaking. Why was someone being so loud? Were they yelling at her? What had she done to be yelled at? She would remain like that, not hearing a word Levy said as she curled up into the fetal position. She didn't know what was going on. She didn't recognize anything around her. She didn't recognize anyone around her. Everything around her began to scare her as her fear started to overcome her previous curiosity.