Lazarus 2 days had passed by, and they still hadn't been able to return home. His wounds had been properly dealt with, but thankfully hadn't gotten infected thanks to Sasha's freezing technique. He stood leaning against the main door frame of the edolas guild hall, watching Sasha. He wondered what she was like before her brother died back in earthland. He pondered. It was impossible to bring the dead back to life. However he had heard of heavenly magic which allow people to talk with projections of their lost loved ones. It'd be nothing more than talking to a memory, more like... A thought. He was unsure if that would upset Sasha or not. I he were to tell her about it, he decided it best to wait until they got back home. Edo-Lazarus He sat in the infirmary, everything being treated. His arrow wounds had now scarred, as penny had burned them closed. He opened his eyes to a pot of flowers on the guild infirmary table. He thought for a minute, before speaking to the only other person in the room. "It is fair to give your life for somebody else more deserving. You are a good person, better than me. I have no family. No parents, siblings.... Wife..." He sighed. "You have a little brother no?" He paused. "It would've been worth giving up my remaining miserable years so that you could have a lot more, happy ones..." He smiled. "...Sasha."