[CENTER][IMG]http://40.media.tumblr.com/41f550b9fa330604e46725e9091f6469/tumblr_nil8sxZL321rj2odzo1_1280.jpg[/IMG] [B]| NAME(S):|[/B] Aiden Lawe [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES):|[/B] Speedster (Name given by his mother) [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| D.O.B.:|[/B] 10-12-1988 [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| AGE:|[/B] 26 [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SEX:|[/B] Male [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SEXUALITY:|[/B] Heterosexual [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| APPEARANCE:|[/B] Aiden is a thin and lithe young man standing around six feet with an impressive wingspan (both arms and legs). His cold steely blue eyes and arrogant smirk prove the fact that he has an attitude and arrogance a mile long. Aiden keeps his hair short and generally slicked back. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| H-CLASS:|[/B] Mercury [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES: |[/B] Aiden’s first and foremost talent is speed. Although he has never accurately tested the limits of his abilities Aiden knows that he can keep up with a car going around eighty without breaking a sweat (although since people don't have speedometers he can't really tell how fast). Aiden has hopes that one day that can find an empty stretch of road and see how fast he can actually go. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| LIMITATIONS: |[/B] On top of other things, Aiden is human and humans get tired. While it does take him longer to become exhausted he will eventually wear himself down. Because he doesn’t have access to materials that don’t wear down Aiden is frequently going through pairs of clothes and shoes so he has to either carry around spares in his backpack or go home. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| WEAKNESSES: |[/B] As stated earlier Aiden can and will succumb to exhaustion if he runs for too long. Also because of his speed if he were to trip and fall the damage would be equivalent to a car wreck at that speed without the car. While using his speed for hand to hand combat, while the blow will be devastating it will most likely hurt him as well. If Aiden’s speed and momentum are broken it takes him a minute to recover due to his body ‘catching up’ with his exhaustion. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| APPLICATIONS: |[/B] The obvious application is that he can run REALLY REALLY fast. In light of that he is very hard to hit unless targeted by some other Hype ability. Offensively, using his speed and momentum, he can add extra power behind his punches and kicks. While this is not nearly as effective as someone with an Atlas H-type, it is more than enough to feel like getting hit by a car. From a ranged perspective anything that he throw (that he can pick up within reason) can turn into a highspeed projectile. Defensively…he just runs REALLY REALLY fast. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SKILLS: |[/B] [B]Collegiate Level Track Athlete [/B]- Because of his natural affinity for running it’s only natural that Aiden followed track as his pass time. [B]Silver Tongued [/B]- While some don’t consider this a real skill Aiden has made a living on making other believe his every word. [B]Downtown Brawler[/B]- By no means is he a Shaolin master kung-fu artist, he is known to be able to fight his way out of a situation. [B]Smart-Ass[/B]- Not entirely different from his Sliver Tongue, Aiden relishes in tormenting the minds of those around him, not in an evil way…just to piss everyone off. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| EQUIPMENT: |[/B] 1x Backpack (clothes, shoes, cell phone, money…anything that he might need without being too heavy 1x Pair of Aviator Goggles (He says they look cooler) What he carries depends on what he thinks he will need and will fit in his backpack without slowing him down. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B] Aiden always knew from an early age that he had a gift to get anything he wanted from people. Born to well-respected lawyers from Toronto, Charles and Susan, Aiden knew just how to skirt around the law keeping him just out of reach. In his earlier years Aiden was always getting his classmates to give him everything that he wanted while never taking any blame for himself. As he grew into his teenage years his scams became more and more elaborate to the point that he was pulling in more money than any high-school senior could have ever imagined. On one fated day Aiden was finally caught and was sent to his parents for council which resulted in many long hours of heated arguments. Although they were able to get him acquitted it was finally decided that he would have to go to college out of the country in the hopes that he would finally behave himself around people that he didn’t know. So it was that the following fall after his charges were dropped that he was enrolled at NYU as a freshmen with no connections and just enough money to survive, unbeknownst to his parents Aiden couldn’t be any happier. For the first year or so Aiden did well for himself joining the track team and becoming a well-established member of the college, even winning some awards for both his athletic and academic achivements. Behind the scenes, however, Aiden was building a network of contacts and raking in money from some of New York’s most elite once again becoming the richest student anyone had ever seen. As his funds grew so did his ego as Aiden began flaunting his money recklessly often seen going to clubs and shirking his school work. As his antics became more and more outrageous, he began to draw the attention of the police and those that he had swindled. Once again Aiden’s arrogance got the better of him as he began losing contacts and worse his money, the police began closing on him as the head behind the most organized con ring the city had seen in quite some time, Aiden did the one thing that he knew that he was good at besides swindling people out of their money, running. After finding his way back to Toronto, and avoiding anyone who might turn him in, Aiden took the last bit of money he had obtained in New York and set up a place for him to live and found a job as a bartender that would pay his bills. He has been living humbly ever since. [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SAMPLE POST: |[/B] The overwhelming sounds of the bar on a Friday night always seemed to deafen Aiden more than anything else he had been through before and it was always the drunken assholes that seemed to come out at night instead of the respectable drunks. As he stood behind the counter making drink after drink his mind began to drift back to the days when he had to do very little and make as much as everyone in this bar made in a year together, although he had to remind himself that every time that he made that much money he couldn’t help but become even more arrogant than he already was a thought that even he didn’t think was possible. As another group of usual’s walked in through the doors he did his part and nodded with a modest smile and watched as they found their place at their usual table. The group had been coming in for the past several weeks now as Aiden was already began making their drinks and one in particular of a pretty blonde chick that he had been eyeing for a while now, he made hers special. The sound of the door bell ringing brought his attention back to the front door, but who he saw was someone he had been trying to put out of his mind. Reggie Delacroix. His number two guy when he started in Toronto. The last time he and Reggie had actually spoken was a few weeks prior to his initial capture here in his hometown, he had actually sold Reggie out and sent as part of the terms of his own acquittal and the last thing that he heard Reggie had a real bad beef with him. Going back to his work and praying that Reggie didn’t see him, Aiden tried to bring his mind back the hot blonde and off of the black French guy that wanted to kick his ass. He was a lover not a fighter. Low and behold when he lifted his head up again there was Reggie, just as sour faced as he remembered. [b]”Hey Reggie, how’s it going? What’s it been like ten years or so?”[/b] The soft features of Aiden’s face brightening up in one of his character smart-ass smiles something that Aiden knew would piss Reggie off. Surprisingly, however, Reggie didn’t even make a move to strike him or anything aggressive, he simply made motion for him to follow. While Aiden wasn’t one to simply follow an angry black man somewhere he felt like he owed Reggie that much. After checking with his manager and getting the all clear Aiden followed Reggie into the back alley way where employees take their smoke breaks, something that he decided was time for anyway. [b]”So what’s the deal here Reg, huh? Tryin to find me at work so you can hash shit out with me on my fifteen minute smoke break?”[/b] [b][i]”Would you just shut up for a minute and let me talk Aiden…I’m getting a crew together and I want you to on it.”[/i][/b] The resounding laugh came through and echoed all around them as Aiden couldn’t believe what he was hearing…Reggie wanted him on a crew. [b]”Naw man…I don’t do that shit anymore, but thanks for the thought.”[/b] [b][i]”This aint a request Aiden, either you jump in on this or I make a couple of calls and you go back to New York and deal with shit there."[/i][/b] [b]”Touche Reg, touche. When do we start?[/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] Dr. Pepper[/CENTER]