[img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131018052856/destined-dynasty-warriors/images/thumb/f/f8/Anime-boy-with-white-hair-and-blue-eyes.jpg/420px-Anime-boy-with-white-hair-and-blue-eyes.jpg[/img] [color=00aeef]"If you're not going to be a model or fight me, then leave me to nap in piece. It's been 5 minutes since my last one and I'm falling behind schedule."[/color] Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight Servant: Saber Alignment: Neutral Good Age:21 Gender:male Height:6'1 Hair color:Blonde Eye color:Light blue Blood type:O+ Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well. Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting Abilities: General Magecraft: Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats. Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area. Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball Contracting:To forge a contract with something Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses. Elemental Affinity: Wind Magecraft: Mental Interfeance Magecraft: He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time. Elemental Magecraft: Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal. He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells. Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana. Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera. Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion. History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field. Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one