another question: what are the Magical Schools? other than that part i have the CS done. [hider=My CS] [img][/img] [u]Body Character Sheet[/u] Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Race: Mer-folk Equipment: Many small knives and Daggers, a small sword in a scabbard on her back, light armor on her upper body. Combat Skills: Preferably using Knives and Daggers, she is very adept at stealth kills both in the water and on land. Very agile, and quick-thinking. Non-Combat Skills: Swimming, endurance, cooking any type of food with few ingredients, good at puzzle-solving. Mana: Potent General Magic Magical Schools: Techniques:[list] [*] Song of serenity: Causes everyone in the area to become lethargic and generally calmer for a small amount of time. once the effect is over, the calmness will often linger. [*] Berserker rage: Creates an aura of rage around her and grants strength to all allies within. Trades sanity for power, so she may even attack allies in this state. [*] Summon familiar: Summons one or two large creatures, or a whole horde of small creatures, to follow whatever commands the user gives. The stronger the creature, the less likely it is to listen. Causes dehydration.[/list] [u]Artificial Spirit Sheet[/u] Name: Isa Nicolai Personality: Never gives up, is kind and likes to help people. Is kinda ditsy when she's alone, and talks to herself a lot. Talents: Psychic ability (Like mind-reading), control over the elements of water and air. [/hider]