Zapped with powerful magic, Aeshma collapsed onto his hands and knees. The massive demon roared in rage, furious that some other being had the audacity to challenge him, furious with himself for being weak enough to feel pain. He bared his fangs and focused all his hatred into resisting the attack that had so seriously damaged him. He would fight this. He would force his physical being to maintain itself by sheer will alone. His desire for vengeance would grip him to this world until his challenger was a bloodstain at his feet. Enraged, he lifted his horned head and stared daggers at the sorcerer. Aeshma roared threateningly with the effort as he brought a hoof beneath himself. With great effort, he was starting to get up. If his magical intimidation would not win this, then he would use his natural raw physical power, his brawn. Aeshma was a tank, a beast. "You... can't stop... ME!" Lightning flickered over him painfully, trying to force him out of this realm. Fortunately, before the sorcerer could further test his power against pure demonic rage, he was bowled to the ground and ripped repeatedly by the clawed gauntlets of the cat demon. This broke the sorcerer's concentration and Aeshma was released from the affects of the red lightning. He had lived. Immediately, the hooved demon tromped over like a bull, heedless of the few aberrant sparks of red that the sorcerer tried in vain to get off, and without delay he stomped a foot down to crush the sorcerer's skull. Mischa would look up to see the fiery-eyed monstrous form looming above him.