Avery finished setting the plates up and walked back out and held the plate out time. "I figure this would be more filling for us nlike what you shared with me for my guess is you had to try to split in half and this is to say thanks for letting me stay here." She said to him as she placed the food in front of him on the coffee table to let him take any time he wants. "Besides drawing, cooking, and cleaning is all I am good at." She said to him as she ate the food she made and impressed herself for her cooking was good for this was the first time she was eating what she had cooked. She was just basically starving for she wanted to at least enjoy real food for once and have something other then a meal replacement bar like she always ate. It was a really nice change. I also made enough for the family you are staying with." She said to him as she heard her phone buzz and she looked at the caller id and it was her dad. He face paled a bit for fear was showing on her face when she saw the call was her dad. "Um excuse me I have to take this." She said as she put the food down and went out the door and answered the phone. "AVERY WHERE THE BLOODY DAYS ARE YOU I AM STARVING AND SO ARE TH GUYS HERE!!!!!" he yelled through the phone that could be heard loud and clear. "Dad I thought you decided to order uh take out there is more then enough money for you and the guys to do it I doubled checked and placed the moeny in an envelope saying food money." She said stammering a bit for she hoped he was ok with that for she did not want to go home. "THEN COME HOME AND ORDER FOR US YOU BRAT THAT IS YOUR JOB SO YOU CAN ALSO PAY THE MAN OR WHO EVER DELIEVERS IT SO I DO NOT HAVE TO SOP MY POKER GAME!!!!" he yelled more and Avery winced for it hurt her ears. "Dad I am sure you uh guys are due for a break you know to uh let your mind rest so you can think better strageties and keep a good poker face. She said trying to think of a bunch of excuses so she would not have to go home. "Besides uh I am at a classmates place working on a project that if I get it done sooner the more I can be home." She said and can hear her dad contemplating what she said. "Uhg Fine but you better be home to make my breakfast and there better be extra money in the envelop." He said and Avery told him there was extra just in case and then her dad hung up and Avery let out a loud sigh of relief when she talked him out making her go home. She was trembling a bit as she leaned againstas she slide down as sat on the ground trying to calm herself down.