[h1][color=gray]Elias Winzer[/color][/h1] [hr] "[color=mediumspringgreen]Eli? You hear that? Jazz here’s down for the count, want to wake her up?[/color]” Eli nodded in response to Bobby’s request. Jazz had done plenty enough to warrant herself a break. “Yeah, sure, I’ll pull her out now. You and the other three should be able to handle the rest of the Aggressors. You’ve done a great job so far.” He responded over the neural comm. He ran his finger along the button array until he reached the one corresponding to the chair Jazz was seated in. He pressed the button, and her mark in the Zone disappeared. Moments later, Jazz’s chair shut down, and she was awake. Eli grabbed another bottle of water from the container and hurried down the aisle to welcome her back to Earth. [hr] [@ScarlettWaters16]