[center][h2]Over Watch Team[/h2] [h3]Tactical Sub[/h3][/center] “All stop.” Said the captain of the USS Tactical Submarine [i]Lurker[/i] as they reached their position off the coast of Jump City, but more importantly just a few hundred yards away from the Mothership crash site. Looking around at the crew and controls within the command deck the captain grabbed a wired radio phone, pushed one of the many buttons on it and spoke. “Weapons control this is the captain, do you copy? Over.” “Copy captain, go ahead. Over” The voice of a young man called back. “We have reached the drop off, load them up and let them go. ” “aye, aye captain.” The Weapons Control Chief hung up the radio phone and turned to four men dressed in diving suits. They were already unlocking the thick metal hatches to the torpedo tubes and climbing inside. Once they were inside the two tubes some of the sub crew came up and secured the hatches shut giving two pounds on the door and receiving one in return. “ Green to open the doors three and four.” The weapons chief called to the command deck through the radio phone. Looking to the person on the weapons console he nodded, and the man flipped two switches and pressed their corresponding buttons. In the two tubes were four men by the code names Riggs, the team leader; Dex, the tech specialist; Wolf, who ran recon; last but not least Buster, the demolitions specialist. Each one of them were in full scuba gear, but without the air tanks as this would hinder the nature of their stealth operation. As they waited in the torpedo tubes they slowly filled with water and each of them took a deep breath before swimming out into the dark of the ocean. Once out of the tubes Dex turned on his flashlight and pointed it at Riggs, who in turn made a series of gestures, telling the team the landing plan, before moving out. As they swan away Dex tossed, in a manner of speaking, the flashlight back into the torpedo tube then followed the others as they swam towards the island. It was a full five minutes of submerged swimming before the team surfaced to look at their target. The dark of night made it very hard to see what was going on, but before long Riggs motioned to a stealth tube boat for them all to move in. The boat was drifting with no motor, no seat, juts a water proof duffel bag containing what they would need for their mission. Crawling into the boat Over Watch began gearing up with some of Paradigm’s Electro Pulse rifles, Rail Guns and other gadgets. Once equipped with their weapons they got out of the boat once more and simply drifted alongside it as it made its way with the current to the crash site.