[color=fb4f4f][u][b][center][h3]Cecelia[/h3][/center][/b][/u] "Um... S-so what's your name?" Cecelia tried to start a conversation with the girl she helped. [i]Dammit, I suck at talking to people. I need to get a few ales in me. Then again, I don't really think the possibility of ending up in bed with a potential ally and waking up with them in a fetal position would really be a good thing... I need more people skills.[/i] Cecelia thinks all this while staring at this little girl, and realized. Maybe it was closer to a sorornal ((sisterly)) instinct. Like a big sister protecting a little sister. She sees so much energy and vibrant youth from this girl, and doesn't want that ruined. "Do you live around here?" Thinking that she's just a little girl that tripped and fell, she stops short of the crowd at the palace. "Where's your home? Do you need help getting there?"[/color] [color=14cedb][u][b][center][h3]Brennen Garron[/h3][/center][/b][/u] Brennen decides to try and pick a fight, but nobody seems to be interested. He tries pissing people off, but there's always someone nearby that knows them that holds them back. [i]Really? I can't even get a fist fight with someone? There's gotta be someone here willing to duel in fistycuffs for a few minutes. Maybe the tavern...? No, I can't miss the gate opening, because I'll lose my spot.[/i] Brennen sighs, then moves to the edge of the crowd and faces a wall, practicing his 1v1 tactics in what he calls "dual-sword surprise stance". He holds both short swords upside down, blades against the underside of his arms, for maximum keep-em-guessing effectiveness. Soon, after a few moves, one blade slips out of his hand backwards, sliding across the way. Not too far, but it made a nice, crisp, conversation-hushing CLANG CLANG CLAN-CLAN-CLAN-CLAAAANNNANNG as it skidded away. The noise made Brennen cringe, then he went to retrieve it, his face a beet red. [i]Dammit dammit dammit dammit damn damn damnity damn...[/i][/color]