[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11065942_999280446758808_5129098284827341320_n.jpg?oh=5499311c80f3438a8609dda875e0d98a&oe=5580539E&__gda__=1437594280_71367d8885860bf218916e57f32f13b2[/img] Ria just ran off like that........ My calculation powers, it's coming back as well as the memories that seemed long gone, it's resurfacing. I remember this smart masochistic fellow who takes things on a stroll, Takahatsu Noboyuki! The more I state his name. It makes me feel creepy, then again he is one of my childhood friends alongside Ria. I was sweating profusely and wipe it off and smack Yuki in the head[color=39b54a]. [b]"Quit being stupid, Ahokatsu Bakayuki."[/b][/color] Yes! That felt good, I remember the times when I lose memories, he would always troll me and send me on dead end things. [color=39b54a][b]"That's for messing with me last week and the rest for making me look like an idiot. I'm not that a scatter brain you know. Lemme guess you're pretending that you don't know me at all?"[/b] [/color] I said with an evil smile that I FINALLY GOT HIM! Then I sighed not knowing what else to say,[color=39b54a] [b]"We should really get to Ria now and go ahead to the auditorium, I don't want another memory loss advantage thing from you."[/b][/color]