After the fight had finished, Gracelyn breathed a sigh of relief. One troublesome foe down. Maybe more to come. Gracelyn brushed herself off and tasted some of the blood in her mouth from her biting her tongue and cheek so hard. She strolled over to Jericho and inspected him for injuries, all the while speaking. "You okay? Any major wounds or broken bones? No? Good." Gracelyn reared her hand back and slammed it into the back of Jericho's head. "What the hell were you thinking you moron! Do I look like I can take on that guy alone!? Why's you rely on me to do that!? Aggggh. You idiot! We're gonna talk about this when we get back. You go help out with whatever." Gracelyn walked away and hailed Xerox, notifying him of her volunteering to hoist the dead nody and haul it. She slung the dead body and asked where it went, careful of the blood still dripping from it.