As Roland tried to keep himself awake, Avery came back into the main room with some food that she had made. She made it as appreciation for letting her stay with him and in doing so placed it in front of him so that he could eat it as well. Although Roland was still somewhat tired, he became surprised due to the fact that the food looked delicious, and Avery also saying that she was really good at cooking left a glimpse of hope that what he was about to eat would be very good and tasteful. [i][i]“Well…..let’s see how it is then.”[/i][/i] he said as he picked up his utensils in front of him and took a bite of the of chicken breast that laid in front of him. After a quick taste, he found it to be really delicious and satisfying to his taste buds as kept eating more of the food. [i]“Wow…..I mean…..this is…..really really good. Probably one of the best things I’ve ate in a while.”[/i] Roland enjoyed what was given to him and became more ecstatic with every bite he took. While doing so, Avery had said right after that she had made enough food for Steven and his parents as well, so Roland replied to what he though was hospitable. [i]“I’m sure they will love it, plus Steven will eat anything almost so it’ll probably be gone before the day is over.” [/i] All of a sudden, he heard a noise of buzzing that turned out to be Avery’s phone, and politely excused herself from conversation. Roland respectfully kept quiet and mouth okay to her as he grabbed his plate and went into the kitchen to finish what eat was eating. As he got to the kitchen counter and continued eating as well, he heard nothing but distorted yelling, assuming that it was coming from the phone call that Avery had going on. From even a distance, it sounded like a male voice, but then after Avery mentioning that it was her father, it made sense. Roland couldn’t really hear the rest of the conversation from being distracted from the delicious food that Avery had made, but once done he sat his plate and utensils in the sink and went straight back into the main room to join Avery, assuming that her telephone call was done and over with. Entering back into the room, he noticed that something didn’t look ok with Avery. She went from being somewhat relaxed and more open before he left, and coming back she looked really fragile. He didn’t want to question about her business, but he didn’t want her to be upset over whatever happened during the conversation with her father either. Roland then went up to her and got down on his knees to her position to ask her of the current predicament to see if she was ok. [i]“Hey… everything alright?”[/i]