Here's a CS skeleton, first what it looks like followed by the actual code if you want to keep the same formatting. Please discuss with me thoroughly so I can help you develop a backstory in harmony with the universe as well as what kind of mech/cog you are going for. This RP will be taking place with all player characters as members of Horizon, the Space Nation controlled by AI. Important points: [list] [*]Let me know what role you want your cog to fill with respect to the team; for example we may not want three tanks. When describing your role, take into consideration the dichotomies mentioned in the "Stern Algorithm" section in the previous post: do you want to attack from range or melee, or both? Do you want to be fast, or heavily armored, or somewhere in between, etc? of course you can think of other dichotomous considerations in addition to the ones I have listed. (FYI, there is already a cog filling in the 'assassin' role) [*]Your wishlist is very important, it is basically the list of everything your cog will be able to do at maximum potential: what is the epitome of your fighting style? How has your cog evolved to take full advantage of its strengths or cover for its existing weaknesses? Remember, your cog doesn't need to be super-awesome at everything, find your niche and thrive. Please discuss with me extensively so I know what you want, and how it can be achieved with the existing technology. The items on the wishlist can be super powerful within reason, but know that if your starting cog seems too powerful to me, I will negotiate moving certain functions to the wishlist. [*]The evaluation is somewhat important, since some of the scores reflect your characters personality, specifically mental fortitude and obedience. it also puts a reign on the creation of characters who are too 'broken' or too disobedient or anti-authority since it realistically doesn't make sense for the military to draft someone and devote time and money into giving them a state-of-the-art killing machine if they can't really control the pilot. [/list] So yeah, start making characters (1 per player for now), ask me anything, and shoot your ideas at me for approval. CS style: [B][u]Name:[/u][/b] [B][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] (Description or image) [B][u]Age:[/u][/b] [B][u]Race:[/u][/b] [B][u]Citizenship:[/u][/b] Horizon [B][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [B][u]History:[/u][/b] [B][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] (optional youtube link) [B][u]Cog:[/u][/b] (Cog Name) [B][u]Physical Description:[/u][/b] (Describe the color scheme, physical build, size, etc. You can use a picture if you want and can find one) [B][u]Tactical role:[/u][/b] (you can use simple RPG roles like tank, damage-dealer, support, etc. or more in-depth explanations. All cogs start out fairly standard with maybe one or two specialized weapons or systems. Tie the role into the pilot's personality, though the connection can be unexpected or un-obvious) [B][u]Evaluation:[/u][/b] (Numbers from 1-10. A pilot is failed if: the sum is 24 or less, any one trait is 2 or less, or Cog Score is 4 or less) [List] [*]Cog Score: ## [*]Pilot Skill: ## [*]Mental Fortitude: ## [*]Obedience: ## [/list][B][u]Weapon/Equipment/Special Systems List:[/u][/b] [List] [*] [*] [*] [/list](ranged weapons are usually split into 'Large', 'Medium', and 'Small' calibers, usually followed by 'cannon' if they are not a specific gun-type. For example: '4x Medium Beam Cannons', means that the cog has four medium caliber beam cannons. Large caliber fire slowly but are more powerful, small caliber fire rapidly but are weaker, and medium is somewhere in between. You can also designate a specific gun-type, for example, Mass Sniper Rifle, Beam Shotgun, etc. Their firing patterns and damage output will follow typical assumptions about said weapons. Melee weapons need to be designated with material and shape for example: Beam Sword, Mass Hammer, Mass Spear, etc.) [B][u]Wishlist:[/u][/b] (list out all the things you envision this cog will be capable of in the future at its maximum power. This is to help me put it in context with the existing technology, and to help your cog evolve) [List] [*] [*] [*] [/list] (If more than one cog, or if cog has multiple forms or combinations, then repeat the above, omitting sections as necessary.) CS Code: [Noparse][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [B][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [B][u]Age:[/u][/b] [B][u]Race:[/u][/b] [B][u]Citizenship:[/u][/b] Horizon [B][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [B][u]History:[/u][/b] [B][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [B][u]Cog:[/u][/b] [B][u]Physical Description:[/u][/b] [B][u]Tactical role:[/u][/b] [B][u]Evaluation:[/u][/b] [List] [*]Cog Score: [*]Pilot Skill: [*]Mental Fortitude: [*]Obedience: [/list][B][u]Weapon/Equipment/Special Systems List:[/u][/b] [List] [*] [*] [*] [/list][B][u]Wishlist:[/u][/b] [List] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [/noparse]