[center][b]Master Jamie[/b][/center] Master jamie had seem many odd things. So it didn't surprise him when Karn can in dressed in a dress, with a cake. He merely wondered what the boy had gotten himself into, and was sure that it was a thrilling tale. And then Candy came barreling in for the cake, and Jamie couldn't stop the sugar obsessed boy. As it was, Jamie was well aware that he would have to speak with Candy. The boy needed to become responsible with his abilities, to stop incidents like with the jaw breakers. Jamie feared it could only lead to a serious accident for Candy Loving boy. She would also have to talk with Melina, as despite everything, Jamie couldn't figure out what Melina's end game was. What would the blood mage do, if Mithera chose to stay with Zero, should he join the guild? So much to do. The easiest one first then, Jamie approached Melina and Mithera. He didn't say anything about the sudden change to a black coloured creature for Mithera, but instead spoke [color=f26522]"you said you wanted information on your abilties, Melina. I can give you that. But I'm curious, what will you do if Mithera chooses to stay with zero?"[/color] [center][b]Sasha[/b][/center] Sasha looked over as Mayt joined her and began to speak about his magic. Lost magic? That was interesting, from what she knew about it and it wasn't much, it was different from normal Magic. She was sure she had seen something about having to give something each time to use it. Maybe. Mayt was clearly expecting some sort of reaction. She nodded [color=6ecff6]"alright. I'll remember that, although I don't fully understand it. Lost magic, huh? Sounds...interesting. I'll be sure to tell Master Jamie for you, and to remind you, If you want. I think you should talk to your mother about it too. When we get back"[/color] She didn't know what else to say. She put the book back in her satchel, wondering about it all. Despite all they knew about magic, there was magnitudes of knowledge about magic that they didn't know. 100 years without magic, and even before then, so much magic was lost. [color=6ecff6]"what do you mean by familial? I know it means family, but how can magic be...just in one line?"[/color] perhaps Mayts answer to that question might just answer a few of her own, inner questions. [center][b]Edo-Sasha[/b][/center] Edo-Sasha was angered by Edo-Lazarus's words. She hadn't meant to be caught coming in the room, but she had, and now it was too late to back out. As Edo-Lazarus spoke, her hands clenched into fists, and her expression went blank. [color=0072bc]"you stupid, idiotic, bastard. No one life is worth more then another. You act like you this was all imposed on you. You could have done something about it all. You could have left the false kings service, could have found a family here, but you didn't. I don't give a damn what you think. If you had died, that would have meant that I had your blood on my hands. And i disn't want that."[/color] She shook her head, but her fury was gone. She sighed heavily. [color=0072bc]"beyond all that, I could have bloody protected myself. I was going to protect myself."[/color] [center][b]Jarvis[/b][/center] Jarvis took the time to replenish his stock of Lacrima. He had several unconditioned Lacrima in his storage area, much like an equip mages space, and he replenished both his transportation, and communication Lacrima, as well as some more offensive attack lacrima. Beyond that, he didn't really have much to do, and that was oddly unsettling. Most of his time he couldn't help but think on how they were going to get back. They could use th anima, but that would require alliwin edolasans to be transported to Earthland. Which might just lead to war, he thought suddenly. In Earthland. Against people who coverted their magic. It couldn't end well. Eventually, to keep his mind busy, he prepared some food, letting himself enjoy the familiar task.