[quote=@HHShetland] I know I never did much in your other RP, but somehow I feel as if this might go better. If only because I seem to work better in a fantastic setting. I'll see if I can't whip something up. [/quote] That's the spirit - and hey, no worries. I have plenty of other critters over at No Hope anyways. EDIT: Also, I've made a slight correction to the player rules. I stated 1 post per 72 hours, what I actually meant was 1 post per 72 hours [u][b]minimum[/b][/u]. Characters meet unfortunate ends after that time, if the player does not state their absence/inability to post. Keeps the AFKers from ruining everything. So in short, post as much and as frequently as you want (within reason), just don't leave it for 3 days.