| Alyssa | Was at Maplestead, crossing the gates as she stared at the multiple buildings that were made from brick and some other materials she did not know of. The guards looked at her oddly, though it was her sword they were looking at. The hilt and blade were elongated and unnatural to most, longer than a long sword. The blade shifted against her back, it was distracting as she entered the city, eyes pressuring against her as she moved and seemingly everyone was intimidated by her. It was almost noon after she was done exploring the city it wasn't mundane nor was it too chaotic. Maplestead was tranquil and active, seemingly nothing was going on...or so she thought. As she neared the inn she heard a faint voice, "Great Monsters?" She repeated, turning as she decided to inspect this odd announcement, and as she neared the man he was already done. She frowned, turning and wobbling towards the inn, 'Oh! Maybe there's going to be fliers tomorrow! ' She hoped, her frown turning upside and then entering the inn. [hr] It was early in the morning when she awoke, the sun hadn't raised yet. She yawned, stretching out her arms and then sitting up, looking around as only a faint orange light seeped through the curtains. She slid off the bed and began getting ready. She exited the inn, surprised as she took sight on, already filled streets. She sighed, managing her way through the morning crowd, she was bumped into and the man who did seemingly went off, though oddly her wish came true. A flier in which held details the man had scarcely said. She ripped the flier from the tavern-wall and began trekking to the castle. She took too long, or seemingly to long to get to the castle. She had been wandering off instead of getting to the castle. But once she did get to the castle she was rather confused a crowd was formed near the entrance of the castle and a pack of men and women with armor were surrounded in the middle..." Okay... " She guessed, slithering her way to the crowd and into the group of...soon to be Hero's.