Here are two Character Sheets for plausible Servants of the Beast Class. Look them over to see which one you want in the RP. The class skills where given by Gnar in their Fate RP which, sadly, failed before it even got off the ground. [hider=Nidhogg] Class:Beast Master: True Name: [url=ðhöggr]Nidhogg[/url]] Gender: Male Height/ Weight: 6'1 Alignment: Chaotic Evil True Appearance:[img][/img] Human Form: [img][/img] Like this, except his irises and pupils are white and his teeth are razor sharp Personality:Sadistic, cruel, and has a craving for dead flesh. He follows his instinctual desires and little else. If his Master minds himself and doesn't get to pushy, then he'll sometimes listen to them. But for the most part, nobody tells Nidhogg what to do. He lives to spread chaos, fear, and destruction. But he isn't alway like that. He hates to be confined, and will on a whim free any creature he sees held against it's will. Class Skills: Transformation: Allows him to transform from his human form into his True Fom, though the True form can vary in size. Monstrous strength: Personal Skills: Magic Resistance Prana Burst Eater of Corpses: Nidhogg can heal himself from wounding by consuming the flesh of the dead. The greater the wound, the more corpses he has to eat. Noble Phantasms: Dragon's Breath(Curses): Only available in his true form. He can inflict curses on his enemies with his own special form of dragon's breath. They can be removed by purification magic, or magic that serves a similar functions as it. Curse type depends on the color. Red gives a curse of burning pain(does no damage, but you feel like your on fire) Black gives a curse of hindered lungs and acid blood. Dark Blue causes numbs the limbs. White gives a curse of paranoia and nightmares. Green gives a curse of connection with Niflheim, forcing the victim to hear the moans, wails, screams, and curses of the dishonered dead, as well as have a restriction on how much prana they can use. The more they use, the more vulnerable they become to being taken over by the darkness and power of dead. Red,Dark blue, and Black have 10 uses for individual uses, and 2 for A.O.E., White and Green have 5 for indivdual, 1 for A.O.E. Storm of Ragnarok: A true form ony noble phantasm, Nidhogg cloaks himself in a miasmic cloud, formed from the souls of the dishonered dead. While in this state, he gains an increase to his endurance and strength as well as detect any evil or malicious beings/servants/or people. His curses become more difficult to remove when he is in this state, but only if applied when he is using this phantasm. Corrupted Roots of Yggdrasil: Anti-unit/Anti-army Noble Phantasm, Nidhogg uses the roots that caged him under Yggdrasil as a weapon. Itnhas three forms. It's hidden form is his main fighting weapon, he launches their blackened tendrils at enemies. It's awakened form, where he can form constructs out from the tendrils(ex. spears and hammers), and it true form, only available to him in his true form, which forms his wings, and can summon the sprits of the dishonered dead in Niflheim to come to his aid. It also has a One time use anti-army ability, where it can become a corrupted version of Yggdrasil, trapping the army it's facing in its roots. Afterwards, the noble phantasm cannot be used, and the tree will stay until Nidhogg leaves this plane of existence. [/hider] [hider=Fenrir] Class:Beast Master: True Name:[url=]Fenrir[/url] Gender: Male Height/ Weight: 6'4, 190-200 pounds Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil when using Rage of Ragnaroc True Appearance: [img][/img] Human Form: [img][/img] Like this, but no weird necklace/pendant thing Personality: He is a rather relaxed and care-free individual, but he can become unpredictable and violent when one tries to contain him. He is not trust people, and despises those who try to force their authority over him. If he meets someone with Divinity, no matter what, he will try to kill them if he can because they are favored by those he hates the most, the gods. He also hates clothes, and will only wear the bare minimum required, pants. Class Skills: Monstrous Transformation: He can become his human form, his wolf form, his true form, or a black and silver werewolf. The closer to his true form he is, the stronger he becomes. Monstrous Strength Personal skills: Consume: Fenrir can eat anything and turn it into prana, the more powerful the thing, the more prana he gets. He can also temporarily gain the magical attributes of what he eats. This effect strengthens during Rage of Ragnaroc Devourer of Justice: Because he has eaten the flesh of Tyr, the god of Justice, he can judge people to see if they are telling the truth, lying, or planning to betray him or his master. It is up to him whether he wants to act on it, however. Noble Phantasms: Chains of the oppressors:, Fenrir has acces to 3 chains that he can use in battle, one for offense, one for defense, and a final one for binding. They also can be used by his Master to restrain him while he is using Rage of Ragnaroc. Leyding is the offensive Chain, Dromi is the defenive one, and the final Chain, Glepnir, is the binding chain. Leyding is covered in spikes and has a spear-like tip, Dromi is large and made of intersecting plates, Glepnir, however, is tiny and thin like a ribbon, but long and enchanted with high level binding magic from the Age of the Gods. It is also silent and unassuming, so that Fenrir can wear it at any time without arousing suspicion. It's also twice as effective on Phantasmal, Monstrous, and Divine Beast, as well as those who fight wildly or in a beast-like manner. Rage of Ragnaroc: A true form only Anti-unit phantasm, Fenrir goes into a berzerker rage, gaining Maddness Enchantment. He also does bonus damage to any servant with Divinity. [/hider]