[quote=@Nisemono] [hider=Caster] True Name: Huangdi Class: Caster Age: 30 Gender: Male Master: Class Skills: Territory Creation At this level, the creation of a temple becomes possible. Item Creation At this level, the creation of a potion granting limited immortality is possible(Medea level). Skills: Expert of Many Specializations: Huangdi was versed in all the arts of civilization, including science, mathematics, divination, magecraft, architecture, warfare, smithing, manufacturing, agriculture, etc. His knowledge built Chinese civilization from scratch with such notable developments as the growing of the five Chinese cereals, invention of boats and carts, and shelter construction. Expert of Many Specializations grants Huangdi the following skills: military tactics, eye of the mind(True), eye of the mind(Fake), innovation, and clairvoyance. High Speed Divine Words: Huangdi lived during the Age of Gods when words had mystery of their own, and among mages in his era Huangdi was the absolute pinnacle. It is no exaggeration to claim Huangdi in the ranks of the most potent of mages in the Age of Gods, possibly rivaling the potential of Solomon the king of mages. Noble Phantasm: Bái Zé Tú: Knowledge and Harmony of Beasts The crystallization of Huangdi's knowledge of all 11,22 monstrous and phantasmal beasts of the world. Allows for the summoning of a monstrous or phantasmal beast from a reality marble, fully tamed and in peak condition. Phantasmal and monstrous beasts summoned cannot be named ones with their own legends. The cost of this noble phantasm is extremely high and Huangdi cannot maintain the existence of more than two phantasmal beasts at a time, while monstrous beasts pose a lesser burden cost and can be summoned in numbers of seven. The noble phantasm additionally grants Huangdi complete knowledge over all phantasmal and monstrous beasts, as well as the ability to tame and defeat them. Appearance: [hider] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/175/5/0/chinese_zodiac___the_dragon_by_aquawaters-d3jwjx0.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Huangdi carries an aura of majesty about himself, a greatness that can be felt by the way he holds his poise. He is a reflective and calm individual, rational and prone to philosophical contemplation. He does not actively seek violence and holds little self desire, instead harboring an immense sense of duty borne from his times as an emperor. He holds a noble and moral poise tempered by pragmatism, forming a cohesive decision making mindset best suited for almost all scenarios. Huangdi is observant and keen in his discernment of human nature, which aids him in his judgement. Short Biography: Huangdi, otherwise known as the Yellow Emperor, arguably initiated Chinese culture and reigned from 2697 to 2597 BC. He was born in an era when the Chinese were merely tribal peoples, grovelling in ignorance and primitiveness. In this era of separate tribes, Huangdi found himself the most resplendent among all individuals. It was a time of strife and warfare, marked by constant hardships among tribes for dominance over the region. From this turmoil, Huangdi emerged a brilliant star that united the tribes through victorious conquest. Huangdi became renowned as the initiator of civilization, inventing the tools of agriculture, warfare, infrastructure, and culture. In all areas he reigned supreme, and from his mind emerged the ideas of mathematics, law codes, military weapons, and other such wonders. In particular, Huangdi was extremely adept at taming beasts regular, monstrous, phantasmal and even divine. During his reign he traveled to the perilous East sea at the edge of the world and learned from Bai Ze all the 11,522 types of monstrous and phantasmal beasts in existence and how to tame and fight against them. When the tribal leader Chi You, the primordial god of war of China, initiated war against the other tribes, Huangdi responded with a sweeping victory, utilizing his army of tamed beasts. It is said that Huangdi lived for a thousand years and has undeniably been one of China's greatest figures, the paragn of civilization that initiated China's greatness. Other: "Knowledge is the distinction of mankind, the pedigree from which man rises above the chains of primitive existence to radiance" [/hider] Hope it didn't disappoint anyone lol. [/quote] Seems like a cool Servant to me.